I'm going ( on break )

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Hey guys! 

I've decided I'm going on retirement. 

But I swear i'll come back! It's been a little hard for me to write chapters for the past months because I can't come up with cute and fluffy ideas. 

And, so I'll be marking this book Complete, so I won't disappoint future readers when they see " Last updated : August 16 " 

I really don't need this break, but I'll take it anyways 

Don't worry! Concorp retired only to get back in business in season 6. I will come back, I swear on it. 

I might come back in December or my birthday ( March 17th ) 

The point of this break is to basically make chapters without a need to worry or stress about deadlines. That means I will be writing on my break and will hopefully post when I get back 

I will still be active! Just not posting 

I hope to see you guys in a couple of months 

Thank you for reading! 

Happy reading and happy drinking! 

- Yem

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