Wings ( grumbo )

651 18 27

i wanted some angst but i decided to be merciful

words : 944

pesky birb grian!

TW! ( second time i have done this?? ) mentions of blood, injury, murder, and hunting. 

its a bit graphic. 

you have been warned!

( don't worry, its fluff i swear ) 

º•Grian POV•º

I stared into the water, looking at my dishevelled and bloody reflection. I washed my face with the water and looked at myself again ' that's better. ' 

' I remember when my mother used to wipe the mud off my face and scold me when I played in the mud.

Now. . .some jerk hunter has her wings on his wall.

the memory of that night still haunts my dreams. . .if you could call them that. mother's screams of pain, the blood spatter, her sad smile as i cradled her bloody body. .

I don't get why hunters hunt us for our wings. They made phones and laptops and yet they can't even make their own wings. '

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the leaves crunching from the path behind me. my wing instinctively shot up and i tried to fly away, but the adrenaline and panic that filled my veins caused me to mistakenly fly straight into a tree.

I winced in pain and curled up on the ground, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt blood pour out of my forehead onto the ground. ' crap crap crap- they're gonna find me, they're gonna kill me'

i heard the footsteps getting louder and closer. thoughts of fear and panic raced through my mind. i couldn't get up, the pain was unbearable but i needed too. i tried, but i kept falling back down.

' at- at least i get to see mother again. '  i thought as the footsteps stopped right beside me. " h-hey! " I heard someone gasp and kneel beside me " are you okay? "

" GET AWAY FROM ME! " i screamed, wrapping my wings around me and kicking " PLEASE- JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! "

" what? Why would I kill you? "

I looked up at them with a confused, but still angry look " Y-You just want m-My wings! "

" wha- No No No- "

A rush of adrenaline punched me in the face, " you just come here to hunt my people and kill them and take our wings! " I screamed again before trying to get up, but again falling back down on the ground.

" don't do that- " They gently pulled me on their lap, which felt like needles stabbing me everywhere. " No, hey, don't get up, you're hurt. "

I looked at their eyes and froze. i started to relax. i wanted to squirm away, i wanted to scream, run, cry, and yet, i felt my self relax. . .for the first time in years. im relaxing and yet im laying, injured, in a hunter's lap.

They pulled out bandages and a bottle from their bag

I watched them pour some of the liquid on a bandage before they looked back at me " hey, this is gonna sting, but I need to do this, okay? " I nodded and they smiled before pressing the bandage on my cuts

I winced in pain, it felt like my skin was burning. I squirmed slightly, but I, somehow, stayed put.

" hey " they said bandaging the cuts i had " whats your name? "

" g-grian. " i responded

" my names mumbo " mumbo said with a smile " i usually don't do medical stuff but i do know that stuff "

" i usually don't trust other people but here i am. "

Everything fell silent as mumbo continued bandaging up my wings, " why. . .why are you helping me, mumbo? " i asked. mumbo simply smiled " i was taught that you should help others even if you don't know them. "

" are. . .you a hunter or something? "

" No! I would never do that kinda stuff! " he exclaimed " plus, im a bird too! " he said, showing his wings

" your wings are pretty. "

" well, yours are so much prettier! " he said, running his hand against my feathers " I've never met a parrot-winged-person before! "

I looked at his face again, his mustache looking familiar. " you kinda look like one of the people from the village up ahead. "

" yeah! Im from hermitville! " they said "You live in this forest? "

" yeah "

I sat up after mumbo finished bandaging up my wing, looking at the bandages. " anyway! I probably need to go now, grian " mumbo said, shoving the remaining bandages back in his bag " it was great meeting you! "

I watched mumbo start to walk away, when i suddenly called out " wait "

mumbo turned around to look at me

" is. . .is it nice in hermitville? like-like are you happy there? "

" yeah, its amazing here! Though theres a lot of chaos stirring up every 5 minutes "

i hesitated, ' do i really wanna go with. . .mumbo? what if he's lying and hermitville is just hell. . .No. . .No, i do wanna go with him. ' " can i come with you? "

mumbo smiled and held his hand out " of course! You'll fit right in, grian! "

i got up and speed-walked to him, placing my hand in his as i got to him. mumbo continued walking, leading me to the village.

as we reached the gate mumbo looked at me again and smiled. i couldn't help but smile back, genuinely. " you will love it here grian! "

" yeah, yeah i definitely will! " i said " if my mother could see me right now, she'd either be shaking her head or smiling down on me. "

" i feel like she'd be doing both right now " mumbo replied " now, lets go introduce you to the other hermits okay? "

" okay! "

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