Scars ( convex )

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I figured i might as well give some somewhat fluff. its random, but i decided to show this is how i show how caring and protective cub is-



this doesn't mean i'm not done with with angst yet, now put the tissue box back next to you.

words : 874 ( embarrassing )

º•Scar POV•º

I woke up.

Everything felt. . .excruciatingly painful and hot. but at the same time, i couldn't feel anything except the soft silk of my bed.

i felt like i was burning. everything hurt and felt hot.

There was a ringing in my ears, and i somehow felt dizzy, despite my eyes still being closed.

I couldn't hear anything but that ringing

I laid in my bed for what seemed like hours.

i heard somebody open the door, cub's voice started to fade in. " -ar sc- S-ar? Scar! What happened? Scar? Are you okay? " 

I slowly opened my eyes and found cub hovering over me, with worry and confusion in his eyes, " scar, are you okay? "

I tried to move my hand but cub gently pushed it back down " don't try to move yet. you're probably really hurt. " i stared at him for a few seconds. " what- what happened? " i asked quietly " my. . .head hurts. . .and i feel like im burning. "

" it said you tried to swim in lava, did your elytra break when you were flying over a lava lake? Or was it another ghast?  " he asked me with worry

I breathed heavily, before i responded " i. . .i don't remember. . .anything. . .did i die. . .again. .? that explains. . .the hotness. "

" yeah. but It-its okay if you don't wanna talk about it, Do you want to sleep for a little longer? You look so tired and drained, scar. " cub said " its okay, you don't have to stay awake. "

" but i don't feel tired. . .and is my hand okay? "

cub rolled up my sleeve to look at my hand, " No, its burnt. but i will need to bandage your wounds. Can i? " i nodded and tried sitting up, then immediately fell back down " ow! "

" fireball hit, okay. I'll just sit you up and get the bandages, okay? " he asked me.

I nodded again and he smiled, before slowly sliding his hands under me and gently pulling me up. I winced in pain as his hand touched my probably burnt back. " ow!- that hurt! "

" i know, i know, i just need to do this. I need to bandage everything, and then you can lay down again, okay? " he smiled, " i'll get the bandages, i'll be back "

" okay. .i love you " i muttered.

" i love you too. " he kissed my forehead and left the room.

As cub left, i sat silently. Everything still stung like hell. maybe thats because i burnt, in literal hell

every time a part of my vision would blur, i would immediately look at that direction and the blur would disappear 

Everything was quiet. very, quiet.

I sat in silence for what seemed like forever.

the silence was deafening. the ringing started to fade in again. it was getting louder and louder and loude-

" im back! " cub said walking back in the room, the ringing disappeared. " can you take your shirt off so i can, ya know. "

" but its gonna hurt if i try to put my arms up. "

" okay, i'll just lift up your shirt so its less painful and quick. "

" but that would also hurt but not as much. "

" . . .just let me bandage the wound scar. "


i woke up in my bed, in even more excruciating pain than yesterday. this time, i could remember what happened perfectly.

i got hawk eyed by a skeleton that had a hot guy bow, then got punched in the face by a zombie multiple times and then got hawk eyed again by cub, twice, by accident.

i stared ceiling, not moving an inch. but everything still hurt. my own invention turned against me and now everything hurts. never knew arrows were so painful.

footsteps approached the door and it swung open.

 cub came in and stood beside me. " scar? " cub lightly tapped my shoulder " i didn't mean to kill you, im so sorry. are you feeling okay? "

i groaned before i responded " i. . .i feel horrible cub. it still feels like im burning. and like an arrow is still in my stomach. "

cub chuckled at my response, which made me feel a little better. " sorry. do you want me to bandage the wounds? " 

" if it makes me feel better, please do. "


for the 3rd time this week, i woke up in my bed again. i sat up, gasping for air. my lungs felt like they were still filling up water. 

i coughed over and over again, choking on nothing. im pretty sure there was a bruise on my neck too. all i wanted to do was get coral, and then i died.

" scar, what happened? " cub asked, which made me jump out of surprise.' when teh hell- ' " sorry. all i wanted was some coral and now im coughing and choking- " i cut myself off with a cough " fu- ack! "

" i'll be right back to get a bucket. "

i nodded but continued coughing and choking on invisible water.

' i should've just bought some from the shopping district. ' 

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