Alone. ( rendoubledoc )

495 18 12

fun fact : i like, swear, alot. so i've decided to add a bit of


Words : 779 ( EMBARRASINGGG )

also angst

if you want some comfort, this is an alternate version of Home, except doc doesn't die

. . .but i traded ren's life for his so

TW! i have no idea but be warned

º•Ren POV•º

I looked down from up the stairs to the living room, watching bdubs and doc, fight, again.

" You've said that multiple times already and yet you still don't come home early! Do you seriously think ' sorry ' is going to help?! " bdubs yelled " whats more important Doc?! Us, or your damn job!? "

" i- listen okay! My job is very import- "

" So your job is worth more than us!? Your job IS SOO IMPORTANT that you have no time for me or ren?!? What is the point of this relationship if you don't even love us?! " he screamed louder " maybe you shouldn't come home at all if you don't even love us! " he said one last time before stomping up the stairs and shoving me out of his way

Doc looked at the ground with a sad expression before looking up at me, who was looking back sadly " im sorry, ren. "

" at- at least you came home, Doc. " i muttered " i know it's hard to come home on time but at least you still do. "

Doc stared sadly at me before turning around and opening the door " im. . .im gonna leave for now, okay? I don't wanna get into another argument in the morning. "

" okay. I love you. "

" i love you too, ren " he said " im sorry. " he added before walking out and closing the door behind him.

I stood there, looking at the door before turning and walking to our bedroom. I knocked on the door " bee? Its me, can you let me in? "

I stood infront of the door for a few seconds, waiting for bdubs to unlock the door. He usually did when he got mad.

" Bee?- "

" Shut Up. "

I knocked again " Bee?? Are you okay? Please let me in- "

" SHUT UP! " He yelled 

" Please don't yell at me bee, i don't like yelling. " I stepped back, covering my ears. " i don't care ren! just- just go sleep on the couch or something and leave me alone! " bdubs sobbed " i hate you! "

I still stood at the door, waiting for bdubs to unlock the door, but he never did.

' what did i do? Im sorry, im sorry, i didn't mean to? ' i thought, walking down the stairs. As i reached the living room, i turned all the lights on and i sat on the couch.

I turned the TV on and watched some stupid stuff to try and stay awake. The last time i slept alone. . .i hope that never happens again.

After a few minutes, i turned the TV off and laid down. ' maybe that time i was unlucky? Maybe i can just sleep and nothing bad will happen. '

I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep. . .and i passed out. I re-opened my eyes a few minutes later, but i couldn't move.

' shit. '

Everything was quiet for a few minutes. then The thing walked out of a dark corner and hovered over me. 

they smiled sinisterly  " aww, little ren is alone again? " they cooed menacingly " man, its been so long ever since you were left alone with me. Why are you alone with me again, hm? "

' they're not real, just wake up. . '

" i am real. " they said scratching my cheek " i can do whatever i want to with you and no one is here to save you. How did you even get here? " they scratched my stomach " you're all alone here with me ren. You're pathetic! "

" You're all alone. Theres no one for you here. Theres no one to save you, Theres no one.

You're alone. "


º•Bdubs POV•º

I got up from the bed and went to the door. i unlocked the door and peeked outside. A few hours have passed and yet im still crying.

out of anger, sadness, and regret.

' i hope ren is okay. . '

i walked outside into the hall. " Ren? Ren, im sorry for earlier okay? " i called out, walking down the stairs " i was just in a bad mood an- " i walked to the couch and froze

" what the fu. . .Ren? Ren are you okay? REN?! REN! FUCK- REN! " 


I paced around in the halls. Panicked as ever. i got my phone out and dialled doc. " hello? "

" okay- i have no time to explain, but i found ren covered in scratches and he's in the hospital and i don't know what happened. "

" . . .fucking what now. "

" the room number 2165 please get over here right now. "

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