Rise of power part 2

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I know updates are bit slow..mainly it's because it's my first time writing in this genre..so please bear with me😅❤️

"What an awful day it was..all because of those stupid thoughts of mine..chants and whispers my foot." Said Imlie to herself after she woke up from her mid day sleep besides her mother.

Her mother was right those were foolish thoughts of hers just because she was tired. But what about the voices that Aryan heard?...her mind asked her.
She again brushed off  this thought and shushed her brain to not overthink..the noise must me from his background, he must have didn't realised it..

Author's note: what a stupid way to console oneself..and ignore what's happening around. We human always believe what we want to..rather than what actually exists..

Imlie than came out of her mother's room, it was already dark outside, although it was only 6pm..
She searched for her Dadda but he was nowhere to be seen. The sky was cloudy and clouds were still thundering..the weather didn't seemed so nice as it was indicating the storm that was about to start soon.

She went towards the main door in a hope that may be her father's outside. She crossed the main hall and was about to reach the door when she heard a whisper again..
This time a clear one..YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE COME HERE..
She was scared to death..she couldn't figure out if the voice was a feminine or a masculine one..still after collecting all her strength she turned around only to see an empty hall.

This was not at al relief. If the hall is empty the. Whose voice was that..she felt a strong push coming from her back and she fell down on her knees..

She was so scared to even get up..so instead she leaned her head towards floor and covered it with her arms and keep on saying repeatedly, "No..no..no..please..Amma..Dadda..please help me."

She kept on murmuring this line again and again and a part that gave her mini  heart attack was when she felt someone's hand in her shoulder. She thought she's going to die there and then.

"Gudiya" said a familiar voice..it was Satyakaam.

Imlie came back to her senses and looked up and saw her father who was looking at her with so much concern and fear in his eyes. She got up and hugged her father crying uncontrollably like a child, She was shivering with fear.
Satyakaam didn't say a word, his eyes clearly depicted how sad he was after looking at his daughter in this condition, Meethi came out from her room and saw the father daughter duo. At first she was scared at the sight but then her eyes met her husband's and he gestured her with a blink.

Meethi knew what happened, and with such a reaction from her daughter she decided to tell her everything.
She came towards her and said, "Gudiya. I need to talk to you."

Satyakaam abruptly interrupted, "Not now Meethi. Imlie looks tired and also tensed, must have not realised when in her sleep she came here. I gues she was having a nightmare."

He deliberately said all this..he knew it wasn't a nightmare, he knew she was wide awake..but still he said all those things because he knew his daughter would either believe him or if not then she'll just quietly move to her room without questioning her parents much..as she's a adorable daughter who'll never stress out her parents with problems specially if it's something abnormal like this..
He knew he was doing wrong with her own girl..but for now her being unaware of the fact was best for her.

So as he assumed, Imlie quietly went inside her room and shut the door behind her. She was shocked to the core. She didn't had any explanation to what was all happening around her. She didn't said a word in front of her parents as she thought it would mean stressing them out for no reason.
She called Aryan, as she felt she would feel better if she'll talk to him.

Arylie..Just Arylie Book 2Where stories live. Discover now