Chance meet pt 6

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Krishna was going all mad with the thought of Imlie falling in love with Aryan.
"How can she? How can she fall for someone whom she met a few days's me whom she should fall for..we know each other since so long...nooo" he was fuming in anger and in fit of rage he was hitting the staring wheel of his car again and again.

"That bloody Aryan..I'm sure he's using her, else why a billionaire would think of dating his employee..he's playing with her innocent mind..she's so naive..she thinks whoever talks to her politely and in a loving way is a good person...I can't let that bastard hurt her." He thought.

He planned of stocking the duo in order to know what exactly their equation is.

While Aryan took Imlie to a restaurant that he had booked while leaving the office.
The restaurant was empty as the whole area was booked by him. He pulled out a chair and gestured Imlie to get seated, she got seated but instead of sitting in opposite side of the table, he brought the chair in front of Imlie and sit down facing her.
He took her hand in his and said, "now say what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Imlie took a deep breath and said, "First you have to promise that you will only respond me in yess or no and will listen to me first before saying anything."

"Ohk..go onn." Aryan said

"Are you really ok with being with me?" She asked

"Yes!" He replied

"Doesn't the difference between your post and mine effect you?"

"No it doesn't"

"You seriously are not bothered with our financial differences?" She was hesitant but still she needs to ask

"Fuckk no..not at all..why would that effect me?"

"That's too much of talking..only yess or seriously trust me enough to date me? I mean you don't know much about me..?"

"Yup..i trust you a lot...we'll gradually know each other...opps again too much talking..sorry."

Imlie chuckled at this sentence and asked her final question, "you seriously like me?"

"Nope..I love you!" He said with a straight face making Imlie's eyes watery.

"Aryan..I was just.." she got cut by Aryan who said, "now my turn..only yes or no."

" have you ever felt awkward in office..because it was clear that I feel for you?" He asked


"Have i ever made you feel that we have a financial gap and I'm a billionaire but you are not?"

"I'm not saying you made me feel that way.."

"Imlie just yes or no!"

"No..not at all." She said

"You trust me?"


"You like being with me?"


"You feel comfortable witth me?"


"Are you attracted towards me?"

"Yea.." Imlie stopped and took a deep breath before finally confessing, "yeah I'm..I do like you Aryan...I seriously do."

"So..If I ask you to date me? Will you?" He slowly asked

"If i had to say no then why would i have asked you all such questions?" She said and it was like a blink of an eye when Aryan got up and gave her a hug in his happiness.

He realised what he did so he stepped back and said, "actually, i just got excited.." his face had a guilty expression just like a child caught stealing chocolate.

Imlie giggled and hugged Aryan by wrapping her arms around his torso while he hugged her back with his one hand on the back of her head.

"So we are now in a relationship right? As in the dating pphase? Right?" Aryan asked just for confirmation as he still couldn't believe that she agreed.

"I'm standing here hugging you this tightly and You
have a doubt?" She asked

"No not a doubt it's just that I'm too shocked to process the fact that I'm gonna date the girl i fell in love with at first sight." He said

Imlie had no idea how to respond this time so she jut chuckled and closed her eyes and buried her face in his chest while he wrapped his arms around her with closed eyes enjoying and living the moment with the live of his life.

After few minutes Aryan opened his eyes and said, "thank you Imlie. For accepting my love."

Imlie opened her eyes and looked up to him without breaking the hug, "And thank you for falling in love with me and making me realise what I feel."

They hugged again and later had dinner..

All this was more than enough for Krishna to handle..although he couldn't hear them but watching them hugging each other was enough to boil his blood. He thought it was better to leave from there and talk to Imlie later.

Aryan and Imlie enjoyed their impromptu date as they talked and Aryan told her about his mother and his elder sister who is now basically it was just him and his mother..
While Imlie told him about her parents are living in Pagdandiya village as her father was an elected politician their so he couldn't leave his area, while her mother is a teacher in government school.

They talked and talked till the point they had nothing left to tell each other about themselves..
It was 1:30 in midnight and they didn't realised how the time passed.
Both of them got seated in car as Aryan drove the car to her house, through out the ride he held her hand in his, using automatic gear feature for his own profit.

Imlie was all smiles as she was experiencing this romantic life again after soo long..she had her last boyfriend in it was long ago. Same thing was with Aryan.

When they reached her home, Imlie was about to loosen her grip from Aryan's hand when he pulled her closer to him and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, "You just made my day sweetheart, actually i can see my whole life being made."

Imlie smiled said, "It's not just you who's day is made.."

She got out of the car and she walked towards Aryan's side, She held his face through the open window area and bend down to place a kiss on his cheek, "good night." She said after that and turned around to leave.

It was all that was needed for both of them to have a sleepless night, or should I say a night spent in each other's thoughts.

It was a sweet beginning of their love life but it was also a sleepless night for Krishna as well...Imlie didn't knew that she will lose her close friend while choosing her lover.

Krishna tried his best to understand that it was her right to choose whom she wants to date but he couldn't convince his heart and mind into believing that she loves Aryan..moreover it was even more difficult for him to trust Aryan's feelings for Imlie.

He was loosing his mind and was not able to judge right or wrong..he didn't knew what needs to be done to make Imlie realise that it was him who loves her dearly..he came to a solution that first he will prove Imlie that he loves her more then Aryan can ever love her..and then will prove Aryan wrong in front of Imlie.


Ps: didn't even wanted to make Krishna look like a villain but now i think what's wrong in making him a bit grey...🫣😅

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