Rise of Power part 3

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Part 3 and 4 was initially a single chapter but it got too lo g so it's now divided in two..I suggest you to read them in one go.❤️❤️
Hope you like it✌️

Imlie heard familiar voices calling her name out.. concern and fear clear in their voice.
Imlie was able to hear each and every word loud and clear but was not able to respond. She was trying her best to mover her body and open her eyes but it was all of no use.

She then saw a figure emerging from the only source of light in the dark room, where she was all alone. Was it some kind of a dream or a vision?..
The dark silhouette was of an unknown entity..it came close to her in slow pace and as it came closer a voice came, "you shouldn't have come here...kill..you..help."

The voice was the same one..she could recognise it..the one which was neither feminine nor masculine.. the whisper that she used to hear.
But this time the voice didn't scared her..she felt as if it was in pain..that's why it said HELP..but on the other hand she was contradicting herself by saying that..that figure was saying KILL YOU..
All these thoughts were going on in her mind while she was standing right in front of that silhouette that way trying to say something but suddenly another voice take over..actually voices..some sorts of chants to be exact.

The silhouette started shrieking and shouting loudly..exactly what?..she didn't knew..but those chants were growing louder and louder and Imlie felt like her head was aching..she tried to close her ears with hands but it was of no use.
The only thing she witnessed amidst all this was the dark figure retreating..she shut her eyes and like a blink of an eye all the noise came to an end..she felt relaxed. She could again here her parents calling her name out.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw her parents terrified with tears in their eyes. She sat upright and   Her mother took her in her embrace and she cried while showering kisses on Imlie's forehead.
She broke away to examine her daughter and then pulled her in for a hug.

Imlie smiled and patted on her concerned mother's head. She successfully assured her that she was alright and after that she had to do the same with her even more scared Father.

After around one hour when things got back to normal, Imlie asked her parents to get seated besides her and slowly she asked, "Are you going to tell me what's going on or should I start searching for answers on my own?"

Both of them got serious, tension clearly visible on their faces. They looked at each other and they remembered about the conversation they had with the priest earlier in the morning..during their visit to a ashram like place in a secluded forest where that priest used to perform all his occult practices..

What he did was not at all like the rituals that a normal Tantrik or a dark magician in or around any temple performs..it was something different..beyond anyone's beliefs. He performed rituals that were occult. He claimed that he can hear and talk to the unknown..He claimed that he had power of dark forces with him.

When Satyakaam and Meethi have visited him this morning he said, "Why are you hiding the truth? She must know so that she's able to take part in the ritual with her own will."
Although both of them didn't wanted Imlie to get involved in all this but they had to make her do this ritual..only for her safety.
SHE CAN NOT BE PUNISHED FOR OUR SINS..this is what Satyakaam had said while leaving that ashram.

Back to present..

Satyakaam said, "Will you believe if we tell you something? Something that can not be proved but can only be believed."

Imlie nodded while Meethi looked at her daughter with helpless eyes..she passed the same look to her husband who returned with same emotional eyes.

"Listen your parents committed a sin..and because of that your life is in peril." He hesitantly said.

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