Rise of power part 6

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When Aryan got out of the room after leaving resting in the room. He was still shocked with the incidents that took place in such short span of time.
He saw Meethi and Satyakaam seated on couch and discussing something. The setuo of the ritual was still on one side of the hall that infuriated Aryan again.

Satyakaam saw Aryan at the end of the main hall,, he got up and said, "Aryan Babu please come over here. We need to talk."

Aryan didn't wanted to but still he obliged because whatever ever they did but in the end they were Imlie's parents and went towards them. He got himself seated on the other end of the couch where Satyakaam sat. While Meethi was on a different chair facing the two men.

"Aryan babu. We know you are angry seeing all this, but first listen to the reason that lead to all this." Meethi politely said.

Aryan nodded and The couple narrated him each and every incident starting from the accident to the ritual at home..Aryan got annoyed and it was not because they committed an accident but because they got swayed by a Baba and started believing in some paranormal practices..

"Dadda..Amma..listen I'm not angry with you just because you caused this accident and all..anyone can get terrified with such a thing. But what my problem is that instead of dealing with the situation practically you both got yourself another problem..first the crime of hiding someone's dead body..then falling pray to some occult rituals..and involving Imlie into it added fuel to fire."

"We didn't had any other option Aryan babu." Satyakaam sadly agreed.

"Now should I tell you what brought me here?" Aryan said in a normal voice keeping his cool..as now three of them were having a proper conversation.

After that Aryan narrated his side of story..

"So that means someone was giving you hints so that you can save Gudiya." Concluded Meethi.

"Amma I have never believed in these paranormal stuffs and all..but from last few days I have myself felt such things..that reminds me of what my mother had said once..Spirits never hurt humans till they are being wronged or forced to do so.." said Aryan

"We have wronged that person..although it was by accident..but about forcing..who can force a spirit?" Satyakaam said.

"Dark spirits.." said a voice. All three of them looked towards the opened door of the main hall where a man stood who said these words.

Satyakaam and Meethi got up but Aryan asked , "And may I know about you?" without getting up as he was in no mood to entertain anyone..specially if someone was dressed in  traditional dressing of oversized kurta and dhoti..although colour that this person was wearing was yellowish with religious symbols made all over it..they were recognisable.

"I'm a priest my dear child..also know about tantra and paranormals." Replied the priest politely.

"That I can see you are a priest I was asking about your side of team..I mean you are from that Baba's or from the temple?" Asked Aryan.

"Do I look like an occult one?" Laughed the priest.

Aryan have a look at  him again and finally got up and went up to him to join Satyakaam and Merthi who were already standing near the priest.

"Actually had noticed the difference before..but what's wrong in double checking." Aryan said with a smile and folded hands in his welcome.

The priest laughed again and said, "It's good to be sure..but I must say you are an interesting man..My boy." The priest gave a pat at Aryan's shoulder and entered the main hall.

"I'm sorry I didn't heard your conversation on purpose. It's just that I got to know that some kind of ritual was being conducted in this house but it got disturbed because of your son-in-law.." the priest said while looking at Satyakaam and then he turned to Aryan and continued, "By the way you did right." He then again turned back to Satyakaam..(Aryan smirked at this sentence)

"So i got to know about incident and came here to have a look at you all and in meanwhile heard you all talking." The priest said.

"It's alright Baba ji." Said Meethi.

"So Babaji what were you talking about that..dark spirit." Asked Aryan.

The priest smiled much in admiration of Aryan as if he could see how desperate Aryan was to protect his family.

"The dark spirits are the one that are the evils ones..these spirits are more powerful may be because the good one's don't use their powers in wrong way...they abide by rules unlike the dark or bad ones." Said the priest and after long breath continued, "I know people think that dealing with spirits can only be done via some rituals or practices but in reality these goods spirits needs no such practices..one word to word conversation with them can solve the problem..the ritual part comes when dark spirits enter the screen." Completed the priest.

"So does that mean that trans have turned into dark spirit?..i mean that's the only justification we can give to such rituals being done." Aryan said.

"No that can not happen. Well Satyakaam Meethi, are you guys aware of sudden disappearance of transgenders in our village since last 1 and a half month? Their group members had came to me to ask for some help and we found out that the disappeared ones were dead..but none of them turned a dark spirit..then why Lata?" Said the priest with confusion on his face.

"No we haven't heard of anything like that. But who's Lata?" Asked Meethi

The priest looked at Satyakaam to listen to his answer before answering further..Satyakaam gave a No. then priest said, "The transgender that came in front of your car. I have till date talked to each disappeared person except Lata..May be she had turned a dark spirit that's why she's not talking to me and that also justifies why that other priest performed such ritual on Imlie...but still it was way more brutal than needed." He completed and looked towards Aryan who was all confused and concerned.

"What happened Aryan?" The priest asked

"Umm..babaji.. a thought came by my mind..but I don't know if it's logical or not." Aryan hesitantly said.

"Do you think anything in such condition can be logical? It's world of the unknown. Here nothing can be explained with logic." The priest politely replied and asked Aryan to go onn.

"Based on What happened to me in Delhi Is is possible that someone..I mean one of Lata's known was making me aware about Imlie being in danger?" Aryan asked as he knew that Babaji had heard all of their conversation.

"Well That's possibility is very less as relations matters only in this human world..after becoming a spirit no such relationships matter. So I don't think anyone known to Lata was making you aware." Priest replied.

"Hmm" Aryan understood but then everyone got shocked with a scream from inside of room "ARYAAN!"


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