Rise of power part 5

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It was almost evening when Imlie finally got consciousness back. She got up and looked around her room, whose windows were broken and even the dressing table glass was cracked..although all the glass prices that were scattered on floor were now cleared up.

She went out of the bed and headed to main hall where Meethi and Satyakaam were seated. They were tensed and had a very dull guilt ridden look on their face. Meethi even had traces of tears on her face.
Imlie went towards her parents and got seated besides them, she held her Amma's hand and said, "I'm sorry! Shouldn't have said all that."

"What? Murderer thing? Well that's true!" Her mother replied with guilt on her face.

"No Amma, I'm sorry..I shouldn't have said that you killed her..I know that was an accident. My all issue was with you guys not going to police and getting indulged in all those stupid rituals." Imli said

"Those rituals are not stupid Gudiya. And even today we have to perform one..with you. It's for your safety Gudiya." Said her mother

"I'm not going to perform any such ritual." Imlie sternly denied.

"Gudiya please..swear on me. You have to perform this ritual. Otherwise I have to go with other way." Said her father.

"The otherway? What?" Imlie asked.

"If you are not going to do this ritual then for your sake either one of us is going to sacrifice..for you." Said Satyakaam. He was loud and clear with eyes that lacked any emotions for that moment.

"Sacrifice? Of what kind?" Imlie asked with fear and teary eyes as her parents were not behaving their way.

"Sacrifice our life Gudiya. One of us will do that..for you." Meethi said determination in her eyes.

"You can't be joking like this..have you gone mad?" Shouted Imlie and it lead to increase in temperament of her father too.
Satyakaam went inside the kitchen and came out with a long knife..he kept it directly over his throat and said, "I'm asking for the last time Gudiya. Will you perform the ritual or not?"

Imlie was death scared with all the happenings, her father was at verge of committing sucide and her mother didn't even tried ti stop him..instead both of them were forcing her..she finally broke down and fell on her knees..Imlie lost today..Imlie Aryan Singh Rathore lost in front of her parents.
She finally said, "I'll do it but please keep that knife down."

Her parents got happy and said that the ritual will be done in house only, her Amma had specially came to her and said, "Gudiya the ritual can hurt..but please bear with it..it's for your own good."

Author's note: people sometimes even loos their sense of judgment when it comes to something that's supernatural. Same was happening with Satyakaam and Meethi, their fear of loosing their daughter overpowered their thinking capacity, they were even ready to perform some occult practices in their house and were even ready to hurt Imlie..just to ensure her long life..

"How does it matter it to you Amma? ...What I feel? Even if I'm hurt physically or mentally it shouldn't bother you. Trust me Amma, you both will regret it in big way..I'm doing it only to save life of my parents. I don't want them to commit sucide because of some weird people..I won't come back to this village ever again." Imlie said with a blank face..all emotions were gone from her eyes..but deep inside she was just wishing That if Aryan would have been here, he would not have let this happen..at any cost. She wanted to go back..go back to her husband and never return..

The preparations were done in the centre of main hall, the setup was made...A grand one. With bone fire at the centre that had so many human skulls encircled around it..real skulls..many people came and they were chanting something..the same chants that Imlie had heard during her vision..
An bearded man came wearing black oversized clothes that had something written over it..some other language may be..thought Imlie.
There was one more priest accompanied with the main one he was being called ADI, he had something in his hand that had red hot coal in it..he was putting something over the coal..causing smoke to emerge..within 2-3 minutes whole room was covered with smoke..It was getting suffocating.

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