Chance meet pt 13

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Aryan took that phone and check was an old keypad phone that had 3 numbers saved in it.

Aryan check the last no. First it was Imlie's..and now Aryan was so sure that the thief had left his traces..and his time was now up..

Aryan called the police commissioner and sent him the two nos. Above Imlie's and asked him to enquire who's no. It was.

On the other hand kabir called Aryan to inform him that today a delivery was received by office cafeteria..around 11:30 am..that had food supplies in it.

It was clear now that the delivery truck did not only had food supplies but those plates the time was delivery was during the break time.

Aryan and krishna started asking the staff about anything unusual that happened during delivery but there was nothing they could get.

Aryan got a call from police station and they said, "Aryan the no. With name doctor is actually of a doctor only. This man took medication from this doctor after slitting his wrist."

"Did you got any name?" Aryan asked.

"Yeah Madhav it is." Police man replied and it was like Aryan's mind blew away..Madhav was Imlie's childhood friend..he works in this office only..but how..thought Aryan. He then removed all these thoughts and said, "there's a Madhav is in the office too but we have to be sure first."

Both Aryan and Krishna went towards CCTV room to see if it's him or not as if it's madhav then he's so gone.


Meanwhile, Imlie was still in Aryan's cabin along with Prita when Madhav, another staff entered the cabin.

He looked towards Imlie and sat down in front of her and asked, "hey girl you ok?"

Imlie nodded and replied with a smile.
Madhav was actually not convinced at this act so he spoke out again, "I really felt bad about what happened in the's not your fault."

"I know." Imlie spoke out she was so comfortable with Madhav only because he was her friend whom she knew since childhood.

"Chaos has been created because of that unknown person...god knows what he wants." Prita said

"Hmm..Imlie why don't you have something? Would you like to have some chocolate? You would feel good." Madhav said straight away ignoring what Prita said.

"No I'm ok. I don't want to have anything." Imlie said

"Are come on. Don't say like that...stop ignoring my love yaar." Madhav said.

Imlie was all shocked at this sudden statement she looked at him with surprise when Madhav spoke out again, "yeah come are such a good friend of mine..if you'll talk like that I'll feel hurt."

Prita sighed listening to his sentence as she was sure that he meant it just as friends.

Imlie took a deep breath..she was not at all convinced with his second statement..she nodded and took the chocolate from him.
When she noticed Madhav was looking somewhere else she suddenly asked, "how's you wrist now?"

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