S3: Chance meet..pt1

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It was Navratri season so one dandiya chapter for Arylie is a must...

"Get ready guyss!! We can finally go for the dandiya night" shouted excited Imlie while standing in middle of Bhaskar Times office encircled by her colleagues.

"What?? But most of the venues were booked na? How did you arranged for tickets?" Asked her friend Prita with same level of excitement with her eyes shining bright.

"Don't underestimate the power of Imaliya" said Imlie dramatically while her colleagues laughed and clapped. They hugged and thanked her for being able to arrange for the tickets as it was the last garba night.

"Finally I'll be able to go for one with you all, I seriously thought I would miss garba night this year and would have to wait till next year." Said one of her male colleague Krishna.

They were a group of 6 people and getting so many tickets at last moment was next to impossible, it's just that Imlie was able to arrange it using her journalist contacts. She was quite famous in this field and was good with almost everyone so no one could say no to her that easily. Plus she uses her contact in very rare chances.

"So guys finish your work soon and go home and get ready we will meet directly at the venue sharp at 7:00 pm." Said Imlie

"Ohk Boss!" Said Krishna in a flirtatious way as he always keep on flirting with her in a friendly way..plus he too had a attraction towards Imlie but sadly there was nothing from Imlie's side.

Imlie just giggled at his way of flirting and got back to her desk to complete her work.

"What the helll!" She shouted again.

"What's happened now?" Asked prita.

"Don't tell me the tickets are canceled!" Said karishma, another colleague.

"Shut up yrr!! Let her speak, what happened Imlie" asked kabir.

"Guys check out mail. The boss is gone! We have a new boss now...Named Aryan Singh Rathore...okkkk! Now that's a long name." She said.

Everyone checked their mail.

"Aryan Singh Rathore..ok so he's giving me arrogant boss vibes." Arnav (another boy in group) said

"Arrogant?? I thought you would say his name sounds sexy." Karishma said

"What if he looks sexy too??" Imlie said with a one eyebrow raise..

"Ohhhhh!!!" Said all three girls together making krishna, kabir and Arnav slap their forehead..

"Girls!!!!" Said Kabir.

While all them asked and read further details that the boss will arrive the next day in office and also that he is a multi millionaire, who loves to travel and explore different places, maybe that's also a reason why he have offices around the world.
Instructions were given to the housekeeping staff to get his office ready before 9 am and also when he will come serve him with Americano in his office.

Right after they read mail so many messages flooded the office group chat. Many people gave their opinion based on what they had heard of Aryan Singh Rathore.
Few said he was strict, few called him kind hearted and chill but serious when it comes to work. Few said he's a man of very strong aura.

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