Rise of Power part 7

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"Hmm" Aryan understood but then everyone got shocked with a scream from inside of room "ARYAAN!"

Everyone rushed towards the room, at first the door didn't break open so with some 3-4 shoulder bumps from Aryan and Satyakaam it finally break open.
With the immense force both of the men at first fell on ground and then got up to look at Imlie who was terrified and shivering..Aryan went upto her and hugged her by wrapping his arms around her and placed her head on his chest..she snuggled into his arms holding onto the collar of his waist coat...still crying.

Meethi came inside the room while the priest stood outside the room to enter later to giving time for the family to look at the girl first.

"Imlie what happened haa? Why are you crying?" Aryan asked in concern patting at the back of her head.

"Aryan that Lady..that trans..she's Lata.." Imlie spoke between her sobs.

Aryan gave a shocked look at Meethi and Satyakaam as how come Imlie knew the name of the transgender..while they got to know about it a moment before.. Aryan made Imlie sit on the bed and wiped her tears while sitting besides her, Meethi gave her some water to drink. Her father patted on her back to give her strength and calm her down.

"Imlie how do you know her name is Lata?" Aryan slowly asked after making sure that Imlie was stable..
Satyakaam went outside and brought the priest in as Imlie replied, "I saw a nightmare..but I'm sure it was some sort of vision not just a dream..it was a signal."

While everyone focused on her words, Aryan held onto her hand to make sure she's not scared any more..

"I saw a silhouette AGAIN!...of that trans as the only thing that was clear in that dark room was the shades of red saree draped around her..the dark figure moved closer to me and then shouted GET HELP!..I LATA.." said Imlie and then took a deep breath before continuing, "I could hear this much only as their was a loud sound of chants and bells.." and then she got shocked as if she remembered something and with a break of 10 seconds she spoke out, "The same chants that I heard yesterday during ritual."

"What the hell!" Said Aryan.

Everyone had a shocked expression on their face as they were not able to understand but the priest had contrasting expressions as he got what was exactly going onn around in this house..

"A trap! Lata needs help." Said the priest.

"Trap?" Asked Meethi and Satyakaam in unison.

"Yess! I fear that Lata is in danger..May be in control. And that also resonates why she was not able to form an contact with me..and also why she was trying to pass on hints to you as you both are easier to form contact with." The priest concluded.

"So you mean she was trying to give us hints of her being trapped but why hints? Why can't she come and tell everything properly?" Asked Imlie.

"I guess because she's trapped!" Aryans said looking at his wife and then continued, "May be she wants to tell us everything but that dark entity..or whatever it is..is stopping her from doing this..and thus we are getting just small fractions of her sentence."

The priest smiled and nodded in agreement when Aryan looked upto him. The priest was in total awe of his ability to understand even complex things at ones.

"But the only thing that's not clear is who's trapping her? It can't be someone created by god.." Aryan said last line in disgust and also questioned the priest.

"Well that's the only part you got wrong my child. She's definitely under control of the most dangerous creature made of God only...Dark spirits don't trap others until they are requested to do so.." priest replied.

Aryan and all the other three looked questioningly towards the priest. Aryan said, "Please Babaji everything is already messed up. Can't you just give answers in one go and avoid riddles?" This was an innocent plea from Aryan.

The priest laughed out loud and then answered, "Ohk ohk..Sorry..by God's most dangerous creation I meant a Human."

"A human." Said Aryan.

"Was that supposed to be question?" Asked priest.
Aryan nodded and he replied , "Yess. And the answer lies in Imlie's story only."

Aryan again gave him a look and priest smiled..actually chuckled, "Sorry no more riddles..Aree only she said she heard same chants in her vision as in yesterday's ritual."

"Ohh!" Imlie said while getting up from bed and said, "that means that baba has held Lata captive?"
The priest nodded in response.

Aryan's mind straight away went to his Dadda who was not in the room he said, "SHIT" and ran outside as he was sure that Dadda must be fuming in anger and would want to kill that baba.

He ran outside only to see Satyakaam Dadda going out of the house with a gun in his hand. Aryan rushed towards him and stood in front of him and said, "Stop Dadda."

"Get a side Aryan. I'm gonna kill that bastard. We trusted him.. had faith on him and he.." shouted Satyakaam and also it was for the first time he called by his name only.

"DADDA PLEASE!" Shouted Aryan. Making rest three of the people besides him at the door of main hall shocked...though none of them interfered.

"ARYAN NOT NOW. LET ME GO" Replied Satyakaam


This sentence of Aryan made Satyakaam come back to his senses as he lessened his grip over the gun that was taken up by Aryan now.

"Dadda! You wanna kill him?? Go onn..If you think by killing him all problems will come to an end.. go onn and commit one more crime." Shouted Aryan.

"Then what? Then what can we do? We thought we are saving Gudiya from all the trouble, we even ended up loosing everything..even out daughter's love..only because we trusted him. I can't let that shit just live peacefully." Satyakaam replied.

"I know what you must have been feeling right now..But let me tell you one more thing..have you thought how are we going to stop Imlie's trouble? Do we know who exactly is going to harm her? In what way? We can't just go and attack until we find answers to these questions." Aryan explained Satyakaam and he was now in his senses and was able to think properly.

"But We know it's that baba." Satyakaam replied.

"But the baba isn't going to harm her directly. Is he?" Aryan provoked Satyakaam.

"Of course Not..he won't reveal himself like that." Satyakaam said.

"And Soo?" Aryan asked again urging him to think harder.

"So either he'll use Lata or some dark entity against her?" Asked Satyakaam unsure of his answer.

"Exactly!" Aryan jumped and clapped his hands as now he was sure that Satyakaam was back in form..
And that's all he was wishing for at that moment. Satyakaam was strength of this family and his being under the wrong influence was making situation even more bad..finally Meethi and Satyakaam knew what was the wrong side.

"And I'm damn sure Baba will use both the ways. If Lata kept on fighting he'll definitely use dark spirits against me." Imlie said.

"I'm afraid what he'll do to Lata if she kept on fighting and try to reach us like this." Priest said knowing very well that the baba will torment Lata until she gives up..
Either her spirit will extinct with pain or else will turn into another dark spirit of that realm.

They all got back inside as the priest had suggested that he'll perform his own ritual..ALL ALONE..and will try to talk to Lata. And also try to find a way out of this situation..till then he asked everyone to stay calm and stick together as even he wasn't sure from where and when  the attack will take place on Imlie. As after the incompletion of that occult ritual she was now prone to danger.


Ohh god writing horror genre is way more difficult then i thought..will not give it another try unless I'm fully prepared for it..

And For this story Im trying to give it a proper ending..may be in next 1 or 2 chapter..✌️

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