Chance meet pt5

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"Ofooo! Coming!" Shouted Imlie from her balcony to her BOSS who was waiting for her in his car and had horned 2 times to hive her signal of his arrival.

Imlie gave a quick check to her looks at the mirror and grabbed her purse and ran outside her house locking the door after her.

She went running down stairs and stood in front of the car wearing saree as it was beginning of diwali wearing something traditional was the dress code for today which was definitely not followed by the boss only..

Since the navratri night, where she met Aryan for the first time so many days had passed by like a blink of an eye..from last 2-3 days it was a routine for both of them to go to the office together and even leave together.
There bond was getting stronger day by day, they were getting comfortable and were getting close to each other as friends..their closeness didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the staff, mainly because they didn't tried enough to hide.

Back to present,

"My goodness you look gorgeous Imlie." Aryan exclaimed

"Thanx Aryan. But may I know why are you still in formals?" She smiled at first after receiving complement but then acted to get upset.

"Ohh yaar..I just can't come to office wearing traditional clothes..I can think of  normal casuals for once but seriously traditional..I can't." He said while getting out of the car and opening front left door of car for Imlie to sit in. As she sat in, he handed her saree's loose end to her as it was falling out of car...the best gesture a man can show...thought Imlie.

When Aryan sat on driving seat he took a deep breath and looked at Imlie without saying anything..

"What happened? Why are you looking at me like this?" She asked noticing the seriousness in his eyes.

"Imlie listen. I know you there's nothing from your end but seriously I can't hold it back for so long..I just wanna say it out loud to you." He said facing Imlie

She knew what exactly he was talking about as she was well aware of what he was feeling.. "Aryan you know.."

"I know.." he cuts her midway "I know Imlie." He held her hand in his and said, "Imlie, it's just that I have this strong feeling for you..
I just can't keep your thoughts out of my mind. I don't want to be just friends with you but..but seriously you don't have to think about it..It's just that I want you to be aware of what I feel. You don't have to take stress about it..from my side you won't feel any kind of pressure..neither after the end of this conversation you will feel like we even talked about something like me there won't be any awkwardness..I just wanted you to know that I love you.."
he finally ended his long monologue with a deep sigh making Imlie's heart skip a beat.

What?? Did he just confessed?..thought Imlie "But..but Aryan you don't even know me properly..I met you a few days back." She hesitantly said.

"And it didn't took even a minute for me to fall in love with first sight...yeah I was attracted to you since then. I can't even tell you how hard I tried to find you and finally I got to know that you work in my office only..I can't describe you how happy I was at that time...believe me..The moment I saw you I fell in love with you, I don't think I would ever regret that it happened." His eyes were moist his light grip on Imlie's hand was warm, Imlie could tell that all the stress and confusion that she saw in his eyes earlier had disappeared now. He was so sure and believed what he said.

Imlie let out a breath and said, "Aryan but I still don't have any idea regarding how I feel..i mean..Aryaa.."

Aryan put a finger on her lips and said, "shhh..did I even asked you?"

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