Chance meet pt3

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It was the big day! Imlie was so excited but was a bit nervous too as today She was going out with Aryan..
May be on a Bhalla Papdi date...she knows it sound funny but she actually wanted to know him more.

It's just that she was hesitant to ask..actually she had no idea how to ask or even think of it.
Such a "nervousness before even talking to someone" type of phase..she thought to herself.

Aryan was sweet, kind and looks mature plus he had this amazing protagonist type aura around him..he was literally too much to handle and adding fuel to fire he was her boss..she during their first meet was attracted to him and at that time she was confident enough to talk to him but now.. after knowing who he is...all the confidence seems to fade away, HE IS HER BOSS!!

She had questioned herself, "is it really ok to go out with him?" More then 100 times since their last meet in his cabin. But still she was unsure about it.

She wore black and grey kurti with jeans complemented with oxidised jhumkas..she left her long straight hair open.

Whole day went like a blink of an eye for her, she did all her work, amidst small interactions with Aryan who coincidentally was wearing black shirt tucked in grey trouser..with a grey coat that he took off right after he entered his cabin.

Aryan was all smile for her, there was a moment when he was really roaring at someone on call with Karishma waiting for him to end and was sitting in front of him, in his cabin,he actually cooled down the moment Imlie entered in...he even replied her with a smile and also signed the documents for which Karishma was waiting for last 10 mins.

He was clearly Biased..not so good of him..but everyone knew 99% of times he is professional it's just the 1% of times when he acts according to what he no one minds that much.

It was time of office closing, Imlie deliberately dragged her last work so that she could walk away with Aryan without anyone noticing it.
Although she knew it was just a friendly hang out but still didn't wanted to give way to rumours.

Aryan came out of his cabin, with his sleeves folded, shirt tucked out, two buttons open and coat lying folded in his arm. Right few minutes ago this boy was all formal but now in those same pair of clothes he wasn't looking formal at all...truly boys have a tact in terms of clothing.

"You aren't free yet?" He asked

"'s done." She replied and got up from her desk and went towards him after picking up her stuff and keeping it in her purse.

"Great! I hope you're up for the treat?" He asked

" yeah! But you really want to eat Bhalla Papdi only? I mean we can go to any cafe or restaurant if you want." She asked as still her mind was not accepting the fact that she was going out to eat chaat with her boss.

"You don't like Bhalla Papdi?" He asked

" no i love it." She said

"Then Bhalla Papdi it i love it too." He said excitedly making Imlie giggle..while Aryan smiled at her.

"Oho you waste so much time..let's go now." He said and unconsciously held her hand and ran towards the lift with her.
Imlie also turned into a kid looking at this big kid..and went with the flow.
When the reached lift door Aryan let go of her hand and both of them entered the lift..

THIS..This was the moment when both of them realised what happened.

Fuck can you act like a kid in front of even held her hand..i hope she didn't mind...he thought to himself as he was trying his best not to over show the stress and workload free, kidish Aryan to her.

Ohh fuck..did he just held my he's a kid by heart..that's so good..but control Imlie don't show how Junglii you are..act properly...Imlie thought.

Both of them reached the spot where Imlie guided Aryan to, while he was driving. Imlie got down and ordered two plates of Bhalla Papdi and came back with it and sat inside the car. Aryan was not there when she came back.
She was about to get down but stopped as she saw him coming with two glasses.

"It's so hot outside, so I thought shikanji would be great." He said with an innocent smile that turned broad when Imlie took the glass and had a sip of it.

Such a desi person by heart..exactly like me..thought Imlie.

They finished their plates within few minutes and were sure that their hunger was still not satisfied..

"Want to eat something else?" Aryan asked with his eyes shining bright.

"Yeah, this was just starters for me..but here we will find only street food or some Indian dishes. Will you be ok with it? Cz I'm perfectly fine with it." She said.

"So..Who even wants continental..I believe in Indian food supremacy..let's go." He said

Both of them got out and went inside the place, to look what all they had. Aryan ordered Chole Bhature while Imlie went for Raj kachori..

"I thought you must be someone who follows strict diet and all..but you proved me wrong." Said Imlie

Aryan was happy that this was the first time she said something with no sign of hesitation..she was getting comfortable with him..

"See I'm a foodie who loves to travel and eat different no time for dieting. All I do is making sure that I work out daily.." he replied while Imlie nodded in response.

When both of them finished eating, they came outside and split the bill, although as promised Imlie already paid for the Bhalla Papdi.

"What the hell!" Said Aryan his voice decreased as the sentence finished.

"What happ...shit." Shouted Imlie and she slapped her forehead.

"They fuckin towed my car..Damn it!! Didn't they see my customised name plate?..shit..what in the world should I do now?" He was so frustrated at this point of time.


Arylie..Just Arylie Book 2Where stories live. Discover now