Chance meet pt 12

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God I just loved the way you guys commented..poor krishna and all..before last chapter he was actually called psycho..egoistic and all..😂❤️❤️
But jokes apart thanku so much that you guys shower your love with comments and show your interest in actually boosts writer's moral.❤️
Thnx and enjoy❤️

All three, Aryan, Imlie and Krishna were seated in the study room. And were discussing the events of past few days..

"Ohh god Imlie you have good lot of Admirers. It would have been great if this guy wasn't a creepy one." Krishna joked listening to whole scenario.

Imlie rolled her eyes and said, "Done with your jokes?"

"Umm..yeah sorry" Krishna said making both Imlie and Krishna smile.

Imlie got a call so she went outside to attend it, meanwhile Aryan said, "Krishna I hope you don't hold any grudge."

"Of course not Aryan..It was a misunderstanding and it's good that now we can look for the real culprit..I don't show much..I'm joking around but to be honest I'm afraid for Imlie..." Krishna said

Aryan smiled and softly said, "It really feels good to see that she has got friends who really care about her."

"Well I won't lie, I really care about her..mostly because I have a soft corner for her..and to be honest in beginning I was a bit jealous..actually very jealous, but then I saw her laughing and living her life to the fullest around you. So I think that was it to make me understand that you're the one for her." Krishna said.

Aryan smiled and nodded he was about to say something but before that Krishna again spoke up, "you better take care of her, her friends are way too protective of her."

Aryan chuckled and raised his one brow and said, "So now you are threatening your boss?"

"Are yaar!! Don't you bring your ASR attitude in this house..that suits you only in we friends are only violent outside the office." Krishna said

"Ohh..Thank you for pointing this out..I'll be aware of this GANG of yours outside office..but inside office let me be the one man army." He said with wink while both of them chuckled at the kind of conversation they were indulged in.

Imlie watched the two boys talking and actually took a sigh of relief looking at how comfortable they were even after knowing about their feelings. At least now she don't have to choose between her bf and her friend.

She entered along with house help who brought in coffee and some cookies. "Come on guys have something first." She said.

"Yeah even I started feeling a bit hungry now." Aryan said

All of them had something and Krishna spoke out, "So how we are going to catch that person?"

"We?" Asked Imlie

"Of course. Even he's gonna help us out in it...else why would I have discussed everything with this guy." Said Aryan after giving a fist bump to Krishna

"Ohh good..I'm loving this boy gang now." Imlie said.

They chit chatted for quite sometime and them Krishna left..the rest of the day passed by having fun and discussing the issue with family.

Aryan's men were trying their best to track down the culprit with help from police..but there was no trace to be found.

The rest of days passed without any difficulty, with lots of fun, rituals, laughter and romance obviously. It was finally the day of office and everything went well till the lunch break.

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