S2-Song of Love pt1

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"Ohh God maa! Please Stop asking me to go on a date with a boy choosen by YOU!" Complained Imlie with irritation clearly in voice.

"Then Go with a one choosen by YOU." Said Meethi with a straight face clearly knowing there's no one Imlie could take, although she had many crushes till date but She never felt any strong feeling for any guy.

"Maa!" Said Imlie in a serious tone.

"What? Imlie it's your age to go and date guys and settle down with someone good." Meethi responded politely.

"Hmm" Imlie said with least intrest as she got distracted with constant messages from her friend, Preeta..

P- Hey, U up for tonight?
I- ohh I almost forgot, thnx for reminding. Atleast I won't have to go on a stupid date set up by mom.
P- No worries I saved you for today😂
I- yeah meet you at 6.

"Maa I'm going for company's annual musical night today. With Preeta. AND TICKETS ARE ALREADY BOOKED so I can't say No.." Imlie said and ran towards her room to get ready..leaving her mother with no option but to agree.


It was 6:30 pm and they were already late, finally after a lot of calls Preeta finally came to pick Imlie up, as she still haven't learned how to drive only because she was just being too nervous to drive on main roads.

When they reached the venue that was a more of a lounges, The Avenue, there was a separate area reserved for the people who were attending the musical night. And most importantly, There was a theme that everyone will try to have a conversation using lyrics of different songs..try to use songs as much as possible.
The party had so many famous faces, and also the owners of the corporate where Imlie was working.
The event kickstarted with few fun activities like Musical chairs and Antakshari.. everything was going smoothly until she met HIM.

Imlie was standing near a cocktail table with a glass with Pinna Colada in it, she was busy talking to her colleagues till everybody got distracted with the announcement of a special game, this game was to be played in team of two, but the partners would be decided with the help of chits that were already been created. One by one everyone came in front and picked chits and got seated with there respective partners.

When Imlie went up the stage to take the chit she got a name ARYAN, she announced the name and a hand got raised that belonged to a very handsome guy, who was smiling playfully, he was a perfect build seated in black shirt with folded sleeves and black jeans.She noticed his jaw line which was pretty good and he looked like someone who maintains himself a lot, she judged looking at his well build body with top notch dressing sense.

Imlie went downstairs and joined him on his table...straight out of Disney...who is this guy?...was the first thought that came into her mind, mainly because she knew most of the people of her organisation but he was someone she had never seen before.

The only thing that made Imlie a bit uncomfortable was that when she normally went and got seated on a chair on right hand side of the round table without even talking to Aryan, who was sitting on the left, many people gave her a glance which she didn't understood, but she was sure that it was not normal.

So the game began and each team had to guess song based on hints like singer name, or a word. And who so ever guessed it had to type it on the phone given to each team...simple.

So the first hints (song of Mohammad Rafi and few pics were there) were given and both Aryan and Imlie got excited as they thought they know the song, so in there excitement both of them reached for the phone kept on their table. Imlie's hand reached the phone first and then Aryan held her hand to grab the phone, they shared an intense look, more of a competitor and for few seconds they forgot they were in same team...

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