Rise of Power part 8

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It was almost 3am in the morning and everyone were wide awake although there energy was drained out.

The priest advised the family to take rest now as everyone was tired because of all the happenings of the night, specially Aryan who came to Pagdandiya after a long journey...while he himself went out to his ashram near the temple to look for as much info as possible.

To make sure everyone remains safe till he comes back he gave them few lockets that had Recognisable religious symbols made on it and asked them to hang it at every corner of the house.

After doing so everyone got seated on the sofa and talked for sometime when Aryan felt a weight over his right arm and shoulder. It was Imlie who fell asleep while talking. He looked at her and passed a smile while fighting his strong urge to cup her cute baby face mainly because of the presence of their parents.

Satyakaam said, "Aryan babu! I think you should take her the room. And even you need to take some rest."

Aryan said, "That I'll do but I want one thing from you..Can you please shift to Aryan again? You calling me Aryan felt more empathetic than  Aryan babu."

Satyakaam laughed and responded with a nod "ohk Aryan. Now go and have some rest. Take your wife with you too."

Aryan laughed and Satyakaam and Meethi got up to go to their room while Aryan gently slides his hands under Imlie's neck region and her legs to pick her up. He carried her to their room and placed her on her side of bed. He went towards the door and locked it from inside and again came back to her side of bed to switch off the table lamp near her.

He did so and was about to go towards the other side of bed when someone got hold of his wrist..
For a second Aryan got a mini heart attack but then he recognised the similar touch..the touch he loves the most.

Imlie smiled and said, "I hope I didn't scared you."

Aryan chuckled and turned towards her and said, "No no not at all..all you did just gave me a mini heart attack."

Imlie chuckled and shifted towards the centre of the bed and asked Aryan to get laid. Aryan smiled and got laid on the space that his wife made for him. He pulled Imlie closer to him with his new found confidence to do so..she did exactly that and rested her head over his chest while he wrapped his hand around her and rested his chin over her head.

"Aryan, I wanted to tell you something." said Imlie

"Hmm" Asked Aryan

"I know the situation around us is not at all normal and I don't know what future holds for us...specially me. Don't take any pressure of this thing..it's just what I feel..(Aryan knew what she was about to say so he heard calmly)..I..Aryan.." she felt like crying on their situation..

Aryan knew he needs to calm her down so he moved his face towards her and went close to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. He said, "Calm down. There's nothing to feel pressurised about..I guess I fell the same Imlie." He completed with a smile.

Imlie smiled and finally said, "I..I love you Aryan..I really do.." tears off joy came out from their eyes as both of them laid close to each other with their heads joined.

Aryan replied, "I love you too Imlie.. I never knew that would fall in love madly with you my Junglii."

They finally confessed and were so happy about it but the only fear they had was how long this happiness will remain...

"I don't want to die Aryan..I want to stay..with you. Close to you." Imlie said while sobbing.

"Shh. Don't you dare say such a thing. Nothing's gonna happen to you. I won't let it. We will stay together Imlie. No one in this world can take away this new found happiness of ours. We will fight together and stay together...forever.  I promise nothing will go wrong." Aryan said and gave her a forehead kiss again.

All Imlie could do at this moment was snuggle close in the embrace of her husband after giving him a kiss on his cheek. While being in his embrace she said, "I hope so Aryan."

"I seriously wish our situation to turn normal soon..I never thought of a confession in such creepy surroundings." He joked and chuckled while Imlie also laughed a bit.

He continued, "No seriously..I'm happy that it happened but I wanted it to be a bit more romantic but  Alas!! right now I can't even think of romance...I don't want ghosts to spy on us in our private moment." Imlie laughed and said, "Aryan!" And gave him a light slap...later both of them fell asleep in each other's embrace with peace on their faces.

Despite so much chaos around...this was their moment..their moment of peace and love.

Next morning Aryan woke up with a jerk after not finding Imlie by his side. He got out of bed and called out her name. He checked bathroom and then kitchen and other rooms but there was no sign of Imlie. And surprisingly even Amma and Dadda were missing.

He then again went in their room to take his phone and called Imlie. Even after 2-3 attempts there was no response then came a sound from main hall, "ABP I'm here only. Why are you calling again and again?"

She was coming towards her room only when Aryan came out and gave her a hug. He hugged her tightly clearly indicating how terrified he was while Imlie rubbed his back and said, "ABP I only went outside with Amma and Dadda for a village tour. Relax. Calm down."

He came up to face her and held her from shoulders, his eyes were watery with fear clearly visible in his eyes and said "Calm down? Do you know how terrified I was? And even If you were around here..what wrong would have happened if you would have just picked up your phone and inform me about it?"

Imlie held Aryan from his waist and with other hand cupped his face and softly said, "ok I'm sorry! I just thought that I would reach in time and talk to you directly. I'm sorry..Now calm down please. I'm ok."

Aryan moved his one hand up and held on the wrist of hand that cupped his face. He nodded and said with a concerned voice, "Don't just disappear like this again. Alright? Just..just be in my sight always."

"Ohk ohk! Now relax." Imlie said in a soft voice..very tenderly rubbing his cheek with the pad of her thumb.

She slid her hand from his face to his chest and rubbed  it and gave him a hug again. "I didn't knew my ABP also gets scared."

"Shut up ..JUNGLI." He slowly said and hugged her back.

They parted and went inside their room while this whole scenario was witnessed by her parents who felt humbled and happy looking at the care and concern Aryan had for their daughter.

After about 2-3 hours, everybody got assembled in the main hall as requested by the priest as he had said that he found a way out of this situation.
They all were just wishing for the situation to get back normal with everyone's well being.


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