Chance meet pt 7

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After few days of dating and enjoying her life to the fullest Imlie was living her dream life, her work, ler love was all set..although she was upset as Just a day before Krishna said something indirectly to her but she didn't bothered much..

It was almost time but still Aryan had not reached Imlie's residence..she was about to call him when her door bell rang.
She went towards the door and opened it only to find Aryan standing there with a rose m..he knew Imlie loved roses. Imlie smiled and let him in, and she closed the door before giving him a tight hug..Aryan chuckled and hugged her back.

He handed her the rose over and admired her beautiful saree, "Again traditional?"

"Yeah all the staff members are going to wear that only as it's only 2 days to go for Diwali...It's only one day left Aryan, after that diwali holidays will began..and you are still in you formals." She complained after rolling her eyes.

"Traditional in office is a big no for the way you look sexy in saree" he said, trying to change the topic.

"Hn hn..nice try in changing the topic..tell me honestly how am I looking." She said and turned Around to grab her bag from the table.

Aryan held from wrist and pulled her, with her back touching his chest, he slid his left hand from her waist towards her bellybutton and pulled her towards him. A shiver ran down from Imlie's spine at the feel of his hand touching her bare belly.

"You should really know i wasn't lying about you looking sexy in saree." He whispered in her ears making her feel goosebumps

"Ok. Thanx." She barely managed to say.

He pulled her even closer and said, "why so nervous dear lady?" He chuckled after this sentence. Which triggered Imlie, she turned around in that small space between Aryan and his arm around her..
Now it was Aryan's heart that skipped the beat noticing the closeness between them, for a moment Imlie was determined to make Aryan realise that it was not only her who's breath get stopped during such moments.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her hand on his nape, Aryan took a deep breath while Imlie said, "what happened Mr. Rathore, why your heart is racing like that?" She said it while looking directly in his eyes.

Aryan looked up at the sealing and then back at her, "Oh God! This girl would be my death some day." He completed with a smirk.

"Don't worry I won't let you die early." She said with a wink and tip toed to kiss Aryan right at the corner of his lips.

Aryan held her tight from her waist and moved his one hand to hold her from side of her neck and with the helo of his thumb he moved her face upwards to face him, slowly he placed a gentle and light kiss on her lips. After that he he distant his face to look at her reaction and before he could figure out something she pulled him back for a proper kiss.

Her one hand was on his nape while other messed his hair..they kissed with all the passion and love they had for each other, they only broke to take a breath and then smiled realising what just happened.

Aryan placed his forehead on her's and said, "you should really know what a damn sexy dress can do to your partner."

"Whatever it did. I loved it." She said with a light laugh. Making Aryan smile too, "I loved it too." He said while pulling her in for another deep kiss.


After reaching office they again got busy with their work. They were now habitual to not over show others about their relationship. They wanted to reveal it after sometime.

Imlie met everyone and deliberately avoided Krishna as his line kept on coming in her mind again and again. He had said, "Imlie you are actually very naive, so don't fall for sweet talks. Not all men are trustworthy."

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