Chance meet..pt2

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Ohk..So here's presenting you my failed attempt of writing an OS..that again turned into a I really feel that there was more that I can add to this many beautiful souls also recommended the same..thnx for that...
Enjoy and happy reading guys😅✌️

Aryan gave a wink at the end that was clearly noticed by the rest...and went towards his cabin.
Imlie felt a skip in heartbeat and without even looking towards her friends she straight away went to her desk and started her work.

She acted like her full focus was on her laptop screen but in real her attention was totally caught by the increased rhythm of her heartbeat.
She felt like her heart would explode all thanks to her boss Aryan Singh Rathore..

What was the need to even wink..of course I liked it but...I'm sure everyone noticed it..God!!....she thought to herself.

"Imlie!" Said Karishma in a teasing tone..

"Whats going onn baby?? Do you realise Aryan just winked at you?" Said Prita with excitement in her voice.

"But I'm thinking why he did that?" Asked Kabir acting as he was really thinking of something..

no one was being judgmental they were just playing around and teasing Imlie as Aryan's calm composed attitude made everyone sure that he was a Gentleman and a strict boss but also a fun loving everyone took his wink as a fun approach rather than a flirtatious one...whereas Imlie knew what chemistry they shared so she was sure that the wink was definitely a flirty one.

"Exactly!! Is he some kind of pervert? Imlie don't you talk to him can not trust such kind of people." Said Arnav in a sarcastic tone and then winked at Imlie.

"How can a matured man act like that. Man with no sense." Said Krishna in a tone that was totally different to others.

Imlie knew none of her friend was being judgmental..neither towards her nor Aryan and she was thankful to god for that..she knew except for her group there are many who would pass comments but the difference of tone in Krishna's voice was something that disturbed her..she never expected this tone from a person of her group.

"Hey chill..we are just joking." Said Arnav patting on Krishna's shoulder.

"But I'm not. Did you guys noticed how he looked at her and winked..I didn't found it decent at all.." he said in a rude tone.

"Krishna chill he just did that because we knew each other from the dandiya night." Finally Imlie broke her silence.

"You know him?"...

So many questions came towards Imlie at the same time and then she shushed everything by shouting but in a controlled manner so that other won't get disturbed, "let me speak guysss!"

"Ohh yeah of course..carry onn." Said kabir while others calmed themselves down.

"We met during dandiya night we talked but not for too long..just like all of us do when we meet strangers...we didn't even exchanged names..that's it..he did that for fun just because he knew me..and I find nothing wrong in it." She said in a one go.

Everyone stood in silence and stared at her, "Guys!!!" Imlie said.

"You mean you and Aryan met before?" Kabir asked

"Yup!" She replied

"So there's nothing wrong then!" Announced Arnav although there was no need of it but still he had to say something so that Krishna understands.

After a few minutes of talk, where Krishna stood silent without saying a word, everyone got back to their respective work.

Imlie completed her work and at the end she had to submit a report to the boss. Aryan was seating on his desk and was busy working when Imlie knocked at his door.

"Ohh come in Imlie." He said lifting his eyes from the fine he had in his hand.

"Sir, I just came to submit this report." She said with confidence and handed over the file to him.

"You know you don't have to call me that?" He said taking file from her.

"Call you what? Sir?" She asked.

"Yeah. You can call me Aryan." He said

"I don't think I'm supposed to call you by your name sir. You are my boss." She said

"But I thought we could be friends. What say?" He said raising his one eyebrow.

Damn..he's hot..Imlie thought and then shook of this thought.

"Yeah we can sir." She said this time hesitantly as so many thoughts came to her mind thinking of being friends with her boss.

Aryan stood up from his chair and came towards Imlie who was still standing, he offered his hand to her and said, "so friends?"

Imlie smiled looking at this tall man with beard and took his hand, "friends..sir."

"Not worries will correct this later onn." He said with a giggle.

When Imlie was about to leave Aryan said, "By The way Imlie, the due is still pending, I want my dahi bhalla back."

Imlie laughed at thi sentence and said, "Ok so you want a dahi bhalla treat from me now?"

"Well that doesn't sound bad at all." He replied.

"You up for it? Seriously?" She asked in amazement  as the earlier words came from a muti millionaire.

"Why not? Let's ho tomorrow After office time? Shall we?" He asked

"Tomorrow?...umm..ok." She agreed hesitantly.


So here's a not so satisfying update but it's just for giving a kick start to the story😅😅
Uploading this much only for today..nxt update soon✌️

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