Chance meet pt 10

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As the sunlight entered in Imlie's room via sheer curtains on the window, she gradually woke up from her sleep.
The last thing that she could remember from last night was that she cuddled up with Aryan and then fell asleep..
She was all smiles with the memories of last night that flashed in her mind.
But when did Aryan left?..she asked herself.

She looked at the time and it was 7:45 am already and she was still on bed, so she got out of her bed to get ready...although diwali breaks were going on but she knew that Rathores will have breakfast at 9 today...and she didn't wanted to miss family meal.

By 8:45 she was all set and she went downstairs, Narmada maa along with Arpita di and jiju were seated on the couch in main hall and were packing some gifts.

She went and greeted everyone and asked, "What are you all doing? Should I help you?"

"Why not. These are diwali gifts for orphanage kids.." Arpita di said.

"Oh yess come on have a seat..the more hands the good it is." Said Jiju.

Imlie got seated and started packing different gift items..Meanwhile a house help came towards them and said, "Ma'am the breakfast is ready."

"Great. Let's go everyone. Let's have breakfast first then we'll complete the remaining ones." Narmada maa said and while getting up she again asked, "Where's Aryan?"

"Maa he was on call with someone a few minutes ago." Said Arpita di... "Imlie can you please ask him to come..he never listens to us whenever he's on his work call." She added.
Imlie was left with no words but she somehow managed to give Di a nod.

While everyone went towards the dining table, Imlie went towards the study to call Aryan. She opened the door of study and said, "Aryan?"
Aryan was on a call so he just turned asked her by raising his eyebrow.

She whispered, "Everyone's calling you for breakfast."
He nodded and gestured her to go. Imlie frowned and again said, "I'm not gonna leave without you. Just hurry up."

Aryan gave her a look and received another from Imlie who again said, "hurry up..I'm hungry."

Aryan took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Sahani I'll call you after sometime." After that he disconnected his call.

"Imlie what is this yaar. I told you na, go and have breakfast im seriously doing something very important." He spoke softly but he was indeed annoyed.

"All things can wait..but not the food. Breakfast is already being laid on the table and you should respect that...let's go.." as she completed her sentence she pulled Aryan along with her but he with a swift move pulled her back with his hand holding her hand on her back.

All she did was playfully hit Aryan with her free hand and said, "Aryan...may be you forgot but let me remind you we aren't upstairs we're prone to get just leave."

" can someone speak so fast." He said shushing Imlie by putting his finger on her lips...he then moved his free hand from her lips and cupped her face while his thumb kept on circling over her lips.

"Aa..Aryan we..we should go." She managed to speak up even in such intense situation where she was at the edge of loosing her sanity to this guy.

Aryan leaned down and placed a kiss on his thumb that was on her lips..he intentionally made sure his lips don't touch Imlie's..and slowly moved his face up to rub his nose against hers and then suddenly backed out..Imlie genuinely didn't like this sudden change of atmosphere from feeling his warmth and then back to cold..
Aryan noticed her not so happy expressions and said with a smirk, "Let's go Imlie. You must be hungry."
Imlie passed him an angey look but then took a deep breath and moved out of study with a smiling Aryan following her.

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