Os: Forever..

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"This is so beautiful!" Exclaimed Imlie with tears of happiness in her eyes while her husband was at loss of words.
His eyes were teary too and were stuck on his naturally beautiful wife who was looking bright and radiant.
The pregnancy had effected her looks, her cheeks looked chubby as compared to her 5 months ago when she declared that she was going to be mother of his child.
The sonography report was something they, as a couple who were expecting , kept close to their heart.. Imlie had even maintained a separate file for all things related to their child and had decided to make a hand made scrapbook for it..

This was the moment of bliss Aryan Singh Rathore could die for.. the pure happiness and calmness he was feeling at that moment was something he can never explain in words.

The words FATHER meant so much to him. He wanted to be the best dad for their child, a father that he lost at a very young age, he wanted to be with their  child and watch him/ her grown into a beautiful person...not just by looks but from heart too.
He was only worried about the nature and heart as he knew both the parents were blessed with good looks😉

It's was their third marriage anniversary when both Imlie and Aryan had confessed their wish of becoming a parent. Aryan although already knew that Imlie wanted to be a mom even before the confession basically because of the nurturing and loving nature of her soul and the way she looked at Arpita di's baby boy when she used to play with him and take care of him..(both these couple married in same year but Arpita and Sundar became parents earlier)

Imlie had always been someone who loves everyone who's close to her..she showers unconditional love on that person, one can imagine how much she will love her own born..

Note: no separation took place for any stupid reason in this story..

Imlie's reaction to her reports was exactly same like the way when she saw it for the first time...
And during both these times Aryan knew exactly what his wife was feeling as She had always wished and longed for a family that loved her, and now she was getting to live with one.


All these past moments were coming like a flashback in mind of Aryan Singh Rathore when he was standing in front of the doctor who had just congratulated him for becoming a dad of a girl that he had always wanted.

"Finally" said an emotional Aryan slowly to himself as he continued "finally our family is complete."
He took a deep breath before returning to the doctor to thank her for giving him the best news that he could ever get.

As he was walking towards the room where Imlie was waiting for him with their baby girl..With in his mind he was thanking almighty for being with his wife and his princess for gracing his family with her presence.

Arpita di and Narmada maa were also present with him but for now have decided to let the couple talk first till then they informed other family members and started preparations of their warm welcome.

After a walk of around 1 minute which felt like a life time, Aryan reached the private room and entered in only to have a look at her wife holding their baby and passing a wide smile to him.

"She has your eyes Aryan!" Said Imlie with tears of joy and happiness that she had never felt before.
A tear rolled down from Aryan's cheek as he went to her bed and sat close to her.

"Take her" she said while slowly handing over the baby to him.

He held her closely, at first his hands were trembling as she was so small as compared to his big hands, arms and biceps. "She's so small. God! I have to handle her with extreme care." Said Aryan in slow voice as if whispering, as he didn't wanted to scare the baby while Imlie giggled at his reaction.

He looked like a big but nervous child holding a baby for the first time..why he's so cute...thought Imlie to herself.

"Aryan babies are small only. You can handle her..You have handled di's baby before." Imlie said while patting of his shoulder.

"I know but..you know she looks so delicate..so soft..God! Why the hell am I acting like this? Am I sounding like I'm getting nervous?" He asked finally back to his normal voice.

"No not at all." She replied sarcastically.

After around 2-3 minutes of carrying the baby Aryan finally relaxed from carrying it with too much attention.

"Ohk so now I'm able to think." He said after taking a deep breath and all this while Imlie was just adoring her husband who was trying to handle the baby with utmost care giving her comfort.

"So what are you thinking now?" Asked Imlie

"Umm..thinking of a way to thank you." He said softly taking his eyes off the baby and looking directly in Imlie's eyes.

"Huh?" Asked confused Imlie

"Imlie anything in the world wouldn't be enough to show how thankful I'm to you. I'm just soo soo thankful that you came to my life and now you gave me this baby girl..you first taught me how to live and now you and this baby are my reason to live." He said but Imlie stopped him mid way.

She cupped  his face and joined her forehead with his, "shh..you don't have to thank me Aryan. It's you who gave me reasons to live..and this baby..this girl is one of them."

"I love you both." She said while she lifted her face and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you both too." He  replied and was about to give a kiss on Imlie's forehead but was distracted as the baby made a noise and both of them came out of the trance.

"What? You need something?" Asked Aryan he knew he won't get any response but still he did that.

"She said nobody kiss my mom! That right is reserved for me only." Imlie said jokingly.

"Huh huh anything else ma'am?" He said while both of them giggled.
They gave a hug to each other making sure that baby is ok..and Aryan gave his pending forehead kiss.

They talked for a while when both other Rathore ladies entered the room and hugged and kissed Imlie and Aryan..a happy reunion kind of scene where everyone was smiling and taking pictures..

After about a day or two Imlie was allowed to go home with baby, they were welcomed with arti and flowers petals were showered upon them. Everyone gave blessings to new born and the parents..

Imlie and Aryan watched everyone carrying the baby and showering their blessings..they knew it was the happily ever after that people talk about..that everyone dream about.

They knew this was their forever..

So this was a kind of ending I would love to give our Arylie..

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