Rise of power part 4

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"What? What are you saying? Satyakaam at least let's go to police..we need to find her relatives." Meethi said shaking her husband..who was the most righteous man she ever knew.

"Are you out of your mind Meethi." Satyakaam shouted jerking Meethi's hand off his shoulder.
He continued, "What do you want haa? Going to prison for the rest of your life? What possible explanation are you going to provide Imlie with? She's wife of a billionaire..have you thought what she'll go through when people will know that her parents committed murder?"

Meethi was shocked to the core..she was shivering her brain lost all its capabilities to think..she stood still and then suddenly turned around and walked towards the direction where the baba and his supporters were walking and discussing something.
She even ignored Satyakaam calling out her name from back and she ran towards the group and stood in front of them..her husband cane running behind her and saw Meethi folding her hands and saying, "Help us baba ji."

Satyakaam lets out a breath and when Baba looked at him he nodded with folded hands. The baba gestured his men and they were quick to understand..3 of the men picked up the body and took it towards the direction of forest..the baba followed them and asked the couple to come too..
While 2 other men stayed back to clean all the left over blood from road as well as from the car the clear out all evidence.

When Meethi and Satyakaam entered the forest the got shocked to see a place they never knew existed..it was kind of Ashram but a creepy one..
There was a born fire at the centre of the ground which was encircled with real human Skulls..something that ran shivers down through their spins..
They held each other's hand to provide eacb other with strength in such an atmosphere.

"This is world of the unknown my dear children. We worship the dark forces here. Something beyond the gods that live in temples." The baba said.

"Baba but why did you brought that departed here?" Satyakaam asked...even he didn't knew from where he was getting this strength to ask questions in such situations and that also in presence of so many followers of that Baba.

"Because we need to perform a ritual here. You have killed a trans..I believe you don't want to face wrath of gods.." The baba said.

The couple agreed to perform the ritual thinking it was being done to ask for the forgiveness for the crime they had committed. After the ritual was done the Baba asked the couple to leave for their home and assured them that they will take care of the body..

Satyakaam and Meethi agreed and went towards the accident site and picked their car and came back home..


"How the hell can you believe in such rituals?? You hit someone with your car and just because of some odd beliefs you went into that forest to perform some creepy rituals??." Said Imlie actually shouted.

She got up from bed wanting to go away from her parents and stood a distance away and said while hitting her forehead with her hand.. "First You committed a accident of hitting someone on road..and then to save yourself you committed even more gruesome crime of hiding her body??? And in all this how can someone's gender can play a role??Why can't you treat that person like any other human.." shrieked Imlie getting disgusted listening to the SIN her parents committed.

She was unstoppable at this moment she sobbed and said.. "How can you do something like that? Even that person was someone's child..her closed one's must be looking for her..what are you going to tell them haa?? That you handed over her body to some kind of fraud Baba?"

At this Satyakaam and Meethi shouted in unisons, "Imlie No!"

Imlie shook at this reaction and was standing still..when her mother said, "Imlie you still don't know then entire truth. The soul of that trans is now upto revenge.. she seeks vengeance and for that she needs you..she wants to harm you..after that incident many incidents took place that made us believe that there's some entity in this house and with Baba ji's help we got to know it was that trans only. She wants to hurt us by hurting you.. we need to perform a ritual to save you soon." Meethi explained.

"Ohh god how can you be soo superstitious. Revenge seriously? Yes I felt something too in this house but this revenge thing and ritual thing is really out of me reach to understand." Imlie said in disbelief still sobbing and moving away from her parents.

"Gudiya the ritual is not superstition..You yourself agreed that there was something abnormal then trust me to deal with such things we need something abnormal and unbelievable too." Satyakaam said.

"There's someone trying to hurt you beta..we can't let that happen." Meethi said.

"Just stop it you both. If there's someone who wants to hurt me then let it do it..you have also hurt her..in-fact you killed her. So if in return that entity wants to just hurt me then I don't think it's an unfair deal." Imlie said not actually realising what she was saying..

She was actually provoking the supernatural powers around her..their whole conversation was..

When she ended her sentence..a strong blow of wind blew and it shattered all the glass panels on windows..even the glass of dressing table wasn't saved..And with that blow Imlie again fell unconscious..

On the other hand Aryan had already left for Pagdandiya and was driving his car and had reached Delhi borders. He stoped at a red light signal, and saw a transgender coming to his side of the car..he casually opened the car window and gave out some money to her..it was something very commonly seen in Delhi roads.
The trans in response placed a hand over his head and said, "Always get success and Always be happy." With a smile but then suddenly her expressions changed and she said, "She needs you. Hurry up." And with that she left.

Aryan's happiness after receiving blessings turned into tension..he quickly got out of the car to follow that stranger but then he saw other members of her group joining her and she was casually talking to them.

Aryan got back inside the car as he remembered the moment from last night that the old lady forgot everything she said..with in blink of an eye..

He just prayed for Imlie's well being when he was brought out of his thoughts because of the constant horn blows from back..as the signal turned green..


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