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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


the most boring part of sapnap's day was the morning, not the whole thing, just the first hour or so when he woke up and had nothing to do but wait for his friends to wake up too.

it wasn't that he didn't enjoy the quiet time, he did. sapnap always enjoyed having a few moments alone, just to collect his thoughts and prepare for the next day- just him and the quiet buzz of the neighbourhood gradually waking up. it was nice, but it was just incomparable to spending the day in the sun with your friends.

sapnap's door quietly inched open, his dad standing on the other side with a gentle smile. "morning sap," he greeted in a hushed tone, "i made brekky."

"thanks, i'll be down in just a minute," sapnap chirped, no sign of sleep lining his voice- he'd been awake for a while now.

his dad left the room again, leaving the door slightly ajar on his way out.

sapnap never understood the annoying habit but it seemed his dads find it impossible to shut the door after themselves. the ravenette sighed, dragging himself out of bed to shut it so he could get changed in peace.

when he eventually made it to the kitchen, both of his dads were already halfway through their breakfast, bowls of fruit nearly empty.

his father looked up at him with a grin, "nice of you to join us sap, we figured fruit for breakfast seeing as you're always eating junk food." it wasn't stern enough to be a genuine scold so sapnap decided to just laugh along.

"thanks, it looks good," he complimented honestly, taking his regular seat and digging straight into the brightly coloured fruit.

"we're going out for dinner with phil's family today," bad informed him, avoiding eye contact as if he already knew sapnap would complain, "it's fancy so you'll need to wear a suit."

"what's e gonna wear?" the ravenette asked, hoping his sibling would be wearing the old suit that he'd passed down when he grew out of it.

"they're not going, they're at a sleepover."

sapnap sat up quickly in his chair with an annoyed expression- that was not the answer he wanted. "well, can't i just go to karl's and not come too?"

"no, sap," skeppy stepped in, looking up at his son with an unamused expression, "your father paid a lot for this booking, don't be antisocial."

after a few more minutes of useless complaining, sapnap left back to his room just to see that his friends were yet to message him. the thought of just sitting around and doing nothing had become more than unappealing and the ravenette decided to practice basketball for a bit- at least that would give him somewhere to channel his frustrated energy.

his dad had made him join the basketball club as a kid to encourage him to make new friends- he grew to love the sport and hate the people, so it wasn't a difficult decision for him to quit and just play around in his own time.

other than going on walks with his friends, and the occasional jog if he needed to suppress his anger, basketball was the only real exercise he got. so, really, it was a good thing he enjoyed it so much.

the boys along the streetWhere stories live. Discover now