summer mornings

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"the sun looks like it's about to come up," quackity observed, glancing out of karl's window while he waited for his glass to smelt.

"you don't need to guess q, i literally made you a clock so you can check what time it is," sapnap's voice echoed through the discord, his minecraft character jumping over to hit quackity while he was tabbed into the furnace.

"he meant in real life, idiot," karl laughed, looking down at the two fighting while he tried to build their house - he'd grown to like the architect role recently.

"oh, right," sapnap laughed, pulling open his curtain to see how the dark blue sky faded pale purple along the skyline, "it looks like it'll be a nice sunrise."

"oh my gosh, can we go on a sunrise walk?" karl chirped excitedly, "it's on my summer bucket list."

"i don't see why not," quackity agreed, waiting to hear an affirmative hum from sapnap before logging off of their world.

"someone should invite george," karl suggested. the thought made his heart skip a beat but he did genuinely like the brit, plus he saw how well he got along with the other two.

"are you sure?" quackity asked. the brunette nodded enthusiastically. "okay sure, sap do you wanna call him?"

"sure thing," the ravenette smiled, "meet outside in ten?"

they agreed, sapnap leaving out the call and switching off his pc before pulling up george's contact on his phone.

"what?" the brit groaned, having clearly just woken up.

"me, karl and q were wondering if you wanted to come on a sunrise walk with us," sapnap offered, hearing george shuffle around through the call.

"what, right now?"

"yeah, we're all meeting outside in like five minutes," the ravenette explained, "you don't have to get dressed or anything, i'm going in my pjs."

"okay, yeah sure," george agreed, followed by a yawn, "i'll be out in a minute."

"cool beans," sapnap replied, ending the call and quickly brushing his teeth before quietly sneaking out the house.

they all met outside george's house, the brit being the last one out, and sapnap was relieved to see that he was not the only one who didn't change into joggers - both him and george were wearing baggy pyjama pants.

their conversation flowed casually as they walked down the dark road, all four boys ricocheting off of the others' ideas.

the sun had only just started to spill past the skyline when the boys decided to pop into the grocery store, all four buying a monster and george some cigarettes - none of the boys bought their phones, so they were relieved that karl had the initiative to bring cash.

"that cashier was really pretty," karl pointed out as they continued the walk down the road, popping open his monster.

"i'm gay," george replied with a shrug, receiving a fist bump from quackity - the two of them were walking a few steps in front of the others.

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