the plan

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


dream wakes up to find punz curled up against him, using the younger boy's chest to lean up his phone.

"hello there," dream greeted, punz shifting to look up at him with a bright smile.


dream looks towards the window to see the light spilling past the curtains. "what time is it?" he asked, a little worried.

"nearly midday," punz told him.

"oh shit," dream groaned, "my parents are gonna be wondering where i am."

"don't worry," punz dismissed, laying his head back down, "i texted your mom."

"oh thanks, what did you say?"

"just that i'd had a bad night and you slept round to cheer me up," punz explained. "she said it's okay and that they had assumed that's what happened," he informed the other.

"thanks," dream smiled, wrapping a firm arm around the younger.

"that's okay," punz hummed, "thank you for coming."

"anytime, man," dream replied, bringing a hand up to brush through punz's hair.

punz shut his eyes, relaxing against dream's chest contently. "you know what we're doing is very gay, right?" he laughed.

"there's nothing gay about cuddling with the homies," dream retorted.

"sorry, sorry, you're right," punz agreed, the pair falling into a relaxed silence for a few minutes.

"how are you feeling this morning?" dream asked.

"a lot better," punz answered honestly, "i feel a little antsy but overall i'm good."

"i'm glad," dream replied, "have you got any plans for today?"

"karl's invited everyone to his house. i said yes on both of our behalves," punz explained with a grin.

"well thanks for booking up my day," dream jeered playfully, "who's to say i wasn't busy?"

"i would know if you were busy," punz pointed out, untangling himself from dream and getting out of the bed. "do you want to borrow some clothes, or are you going to head home?"

"i'll just borrow some."

the boys got dressed and brushed their teeth (dream using the spare toothbrush he always left at punz's) before heading downstairs to the kitchen to see puffy and alyssa sitting in the dining room.

"you need to eat before we go," punz told dream, watching as the other peered behind him at the two women.

"i was worried you were going to say that."

"here," punz started, passing dream some strawberries, "you can eat them in my room, that way they won't see."

"do you want to like..." dream trailed off awkwardly, "join me?"

"yeah sure," punz smiled, following the other back upstairs.

the pair sat on punz's bed as they ate, the older boy making sure to focus on his phone so dream didn't feel like he was watching him.

as they walked over to karl's, they received a message from the brunette telling them to message when they arrive, rather than knocking, and dream replied saying they were already there.

after waiting for a few minutes, karl opened the door, stepping to the side to let them both in.

"why didn't you want us to knock?" dream asked, pushing off his shoes.

"it triggers tubbo," karl replied with a shrug, "we try to avoid it whenever possible."

"oh, right," dream nodded understandingly.

they've lived in that neighbourhood long enough to know about karl and both his brothers' trauma - especially tubbo's, since he is always hanging out with tommy.

the three made their way downstairs, saying hi to everyone and sitting down as the group fell into an easy conversation.

"george," dream started with a smirk.

"what?" george replied emotionlessly.

"i was thinking," dream started, shuffling in his seat to lean forward so he was closer to the brunette, "maybe i could take you to the cinema sometime?"

"nah, the cinema isn't really my jam," george declined.

"c'mon, georgie," quackity started, "cut the man some slack."

"just one date, that's all i want," dream tried to convince the brit, "then you'll see how great i am and you'll be begging for a second."

george sighed, playfully rolling his eyes, "okay, fine."

a few gasps were shared around the room.

"i uh- wow," dream stuttered in disbelief. "i didn't think you'd actually agree," he laughed. "what do you wanna do?"

"why don't you take me out for dinner?" george suggested, dream immediately turning to punz with a worried expression.

"that's so lame, george," punz laughed, desperate to help his friend, "at least try to make it fun."

"okay, fine," george shrugged, leaning back on the beanbag, "you guys can think of something then."

dream flashed a thankful smile to punz as karl spoke. "why don't you guys go on a hike or something?"

"hm, i'm not really an active guy," george shrugged, turning down the idea.

"okay, what about a drive?" dream asked.

"yeah, that sounds more me," the brit agreed.

"okay cool," dream exclaimed, "so uh, is saturday okay?"

"like, tomorrow saturday?"


"okay yeah," george laughed, "sure."


silence settled over the group for a few moments.

"yeah!" punz cheered, "get that dick, dreamie!"


i'm so very tired

i love u


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