beach day

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"okay, so me and dream are driving?" punz repeated, leaning against his car.

"i honestly don't care who's car i'm in as long as i can sit with q," karl told the group, "sometimes long car rides can make me anxious."

"well then you guys can ride with me," dream offered, "because i don't want to put the stuff in my car in case something spills."

"shotgun!" george chirped, making his way round to dream's passenger's side.

"okay cool, so i'll drive sap and the stuff?" punz checked, receiving nods from everyone before they started to dump their stuff into his back seat.

sapnap turned to george with wide, pleading eyes, basically begging for the brit to find a way for him to get out of this situation.

george just shrugged, flashing the ravenette an evil smile before waving playfully and getting into dream's car.

"see you both when we get there," karl smiled, following quackity into the backseat.

"you guys lead and i'll follow," dream told punz, the older boy nodding before both got into their respective cars, leaving sapnap standing alone.

"sapnap," punz spoke from behind him, the ravenette turning to see him with his window down. "you coming?" he laughed.

"oh, uh, yeah of course," he stuttered awkwardly, getting into the car and putting on his seatbelt as punz started reversing out of the driveway.

"do you want to be on the aux?" the blond offered, handing the wire to the other.

"sure," sapnap muttered, putting on his summer playlist.

the drive was mainly silent, aside from the soft hum of the engine, the music, and the occasional direction from the gps.

dream took george's hand, putting it on the gear stick - where it belonged.

"oh, they're so gay," quackity laughed from the back, earning himself a glare from dream in the front mirror.

karl tilted his head to see their intertwined fingers, laughing along with the ravenette.

"shut up or you'll both ride in the trunk," dream joked.

"that'd probably be fun," karl retorted playfully.

"agreed," quackity chirped.

"punz is turning right," george pointed out, dream indicating to follow him.

"i wonder what they're talking about."

sapnap fanned his shirt, trying to blow some cool air onto his face.

punz looked over at the ravenette's movements. "you know you can open the window, if you'd like."

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