crazy summer plans

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


it still didn't sit right with karl- waking up in a quiet house.

it had been like this for a countless number of years now, and he liked it, but he still blinked his eyes open every morning expecting to hear shouting.

regardless, he pushed himself out of bed, routinely sorting out his sheets so they looked pristine before heading over to his closet.

karl had stuck a bucket list of summer activities on the inside of his closet door, so every morning when he got ready he was reminded of the endless possibilities of exciting opportunities waiting for him.

it was only the third day of summer and there was so much potential.

his attention was pulled away from the brightly coloured list when his bedroom door opened behind him.

he turned to see quackity entering the room, toothbrush sticking out the side of his mouth and foamed toothpaste spilling messily over his lip as he spoke, "me and sap are gonna have a phineas and ferb movie day so you have to come."

karl decided his crazy summer plans could wait till tomorrow.

the brunette finished getting ready, waiting while his friend used his bathroom before the pair made their way into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

they were halfway through their cereal when callahan walked in, smiling at them both before grabbing an apple.

"where are you off to?" quackity asked casually, taking note of calla's unusual attire.

he signed back to the ravenette- something about him and football practice but there was a movement in there he was unfamiliar with. he turned to karl for help.

"he's helping at the football practice," karl translated through a mouthful of food.

quackity nodded in understanding, repeating the sign for 'help' in his head so he wouldn't forget, "ew, why would you do that?"

callahan just smiled, miming as if he was swiping over a stack of bills.

it wasn't the actual sign for money, obviously, but quackity understood nonetheless.

"right, i guess that's a fair reason."

callahan made an agreeing facial expression before waving to the pair and making his way out.

"okay," karl started, moving his empty bowl to sit beside the sink. "let's find some snacks," he proposed, pulling open a few cupboards to see if there was anything good hiding around the kitchen.

though, even if there was, he wasn't able to find it before his dad walked in. "what're you doing?" he asked suspiciously.


"stealing food."

karl turned to quackity with an unimpressed expression. "you really need to get better at lying, q."

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