still occupying the curb

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


the sun was setting and george was sitting on his usual spot on the curb outside karl's house, laughing along with his friends about who knows what. "this summer has gone way too fast."

dream blew out a lungful of smoke, passing the joint down to the brunette as he spoke, "i know right. how have we only got six days left of freedom?"

"that's less than a week," quackity pointed out, "it's a hate crime."

"it absolutely is," sapnap agreed, the group's attention all being brought across the road to george's house.

"george!" his mother called, "could you come inside a moment, i need to talk to you."

he sent her a thumbs up in response, turning to his confused-looking friends with a shrug. "hold on, i'll be back in a minute," he assured, getting up and quickly making his way over the road.

"is he okay?" karl asked, looking up at the blond.

"no idea," dream frowned, gaze only moving from the brunette's house because of the voice behind him.

"hi! sorry i'm late," punz apologised, even though he knew it wasn't a problem. "my nan needed help with something," he excused. he sat down on the curb beside sapnap, his hand automatically finding its way to the younger boy's thigh. the action had become second nature to punz over the last week, he hardly registered it, but sapnap still felt lightheaded every time they connected in such an intimate way.

"where's george?" punz asked, taking the joint from karl.

"his mom just called him inside to talk about something," dream informed him.

"oh right, is everything okay?" punz asked, genuine concern clear in his tone.

"we're not sure," quackity answered honestly.

the group continued to smoke, but it was impossible for them to ignore the worrisome atmosphere that suffocated them in the thirty minutes it took for george to come back outside.

the brit walked over to the group with a sad look. dream held his hand out to george, the shorter boy taking it like a lifeline as he shuffled up close to the blonde's side.

"are you okay?" dream asked, giving the brunette's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"no," george replied with a sniffle.

all of the boys were looking at george intensely, silently contemplating the worst thing that could possibly come from this.

george looked up, unintentionally making eye contact with quackity.

upon seeing the ravenette's face, he couldn't hold the act and broke out into a wide smile. "my parents are getting a divorce," he announced happily, rolling on the balls of his feet.

"oh my god," dream exclaimed, picking the brunette up in a hug and spinning him in a small circle, "that's so good!"

"i can't remember the last time i was this happy," george beamed, giggling in pure ecstasy.

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