what if it's awkward?

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


punz was a confident guy, he always had been. but there was something about today, dream noticed, that seemed to be stressing the older boy out.

"but what if it's awkward?" punz worried, drawing shapes onto the mosaic below him.

"punz, we literally spoke to them for hours at your party," dream reminded the other. "plus didn't you say q is bringing weed? even if it starts awkward, we'll relax in no time."

"but sapnap wasn't with us for like, most of the party," punz pointed out. "what if he unbalances the atmosphere we had and so it all goes wrong?" he thought for a moment before adding, "maybe we should cancel."

"it's too late for that now," dream shrugged down at his phone. "quackity said they're on their way," he said, "so they're literally gonna be here any second now."

"well, thanks for the heads up!" punz retorted sarcastically, standing up and pulling his shorts down from where they'd risen. he looked down at his friend, who had remained seated by the pool. "aren't you coming to let them in?"

"nah," dream shrugged, laying his back down on the hot tiles, "i think i'll let you take this one."

punz huffed, glaring at his friend before walking back into his house to hear the end of the melodic doorbell chimes. he walked through, pulling the door open and smiling, as genuinely as he could, at the four boys.

and, as he'd suspected, it was a bit awkward at first.

not so much that it would make an onlooker uncomfortable, but there were just a few too-long silences and people going to speak at the same time that seemed to throw the conversation a bit to begin with.

and, like dream suspected, it was absolutely fine once they started smoking.

"are you sure you don't want any?" george asked for the sixteenth time, handing the blunt to sapnap who just passed it straight by to dream.

"yeah, i'm sure," sapnap assured, watching the second blunt be passed to punz, "it's best if one of us is sober enough to make sure no one drowns."

"that's probably a good idea," karl agreed with a laugh. sapnap was happy to see karl so relaxed around the two blondes.

in fact, sapnap was happy just observing the whole group. and, if anything, being the only sober one made their intoxicated behaviour even funnier to watch.

sapnap turned to dream as he spoke about something, but his attention faltered slightly as punz exhaled a lungful of smoke, the ravenette boy's gaze slipping down to his lips as the cloud of grey rolled passed them.

sapnap felt like someone kicked him in the heart, and for a moment he wondered if he'd gotten second-hand high before realising they were sitting outside and there was no way they'd smoked enough for that.

regardless, he ignored the feeling.

he could worry about it some other time.

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