we will have to see...

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"do we have to go?" sapnap complained, slouching back against the car seat.

"why are you complaining?" bad asked, looking back at his son in the front mirror, "i thought you and dream were friends."

"we go to the same school," sapnap corrected with a huff, "that doesn't make us friends"

"well maybe you should try and talk to him outside of school," skeppy suggested, "that way you can get to know each other better and these outings will be more enjoyable."

"it's not that easy," he muttered.

"why not?"

"don't worry," sapnap dismissed, "you wouldn't get it."

"try me," skeppy retorted, turning fully in his seat to face sapnap, "if you dislike him you have to at least tell me why so i can dislike him too."

"he's just so full of himself," sapnap started, throwing his hands up in frustration, "it's like he genuinely thinks the whole world revolves around him and he can just do whatever without any kind of repercussions. plus he's so like loud and obnoxious and he always upsets karl."

"i see," skeppy hummed, "so he's just a bit of a big personality?"

"he's a prick," sapnap corrected.

"language." bad scolded, not taking his eyes off the road.

"if i kept cussing would you turn the car around and take me home?" the ravenette asked hopefully.

"no, i would just ground you or something," his father threatened, though they all know he wouldn't go through with it, "and it'll be fine sap, you get along with tommy so you can just talk to him."

"he definitely isn't coming," kristin told phil as she hurried into the car, pulling on her seatbelt, "he's feeling ill and just not really up to it."

"i wish he told us that earlier so we wouldn't be so late," the older man dismissed, starting the car. "oh well, looks like it'll just be the six of us."

"six?" dream repeated from the backseat.

"yeah, six," his dad confirmed, "us, bad, skeppy, and sap."

"what about e?" the teen questioned hopefully.

"oh they've gone out or something," phil vaguely explained, "some pre-planned thing, i can't remember exactly."

"you won't be by yourself though," kristin was quick to assure, "sap will definitely be there."

"yay," dream muttered, "sapnap."

they pulled up to the restaurant, walking in to see the other three already sitting at the table. "sorry we're late," phil apologised, him and kristin moving to sit opposite sapnap's parents, "did you get my message?"

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