bathroom at a party

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"it does matter," karl complained, anxiously picking at his skin before being told to stop by quackity, "i don't want to look underdressed but, like, i also don't want any attention on me."

"look at george, karl," sapnap laughed, the taller boy turning to their friend who looked back with a dopey grin. "you aren't going to be underdressed. just chose something you're comfortable in."

george, as always, made sure to dress up in his finest attire for the occasion, sporting some grey joggers and an oversized t-shirt.

"wear your white sweater," quackity suggested, "because it's nice but it doesn't stand out. plus it's not so thick that you'll overheat."

"it's not white, q. it's beige," karl corrected, getting out the sweater and holding it up in front of himself.

"it's nice," george smiled with a reassuring nod.

"okay, fine," karl sighed, though he was smiling as he pulled the thin material over his head. "let's go then."

the door to punz's house was left open as an invitation to walk straight in, and just as they were walking up the driveway george turned to karl, getting his attention before asking a hushed, "you sure you're okay with this?" and maybe he was being a little overprotective, but he wanted to make sure the brunette was as comfortable as possible.

"yeah, i'm good," karl replied genuinely, playfully hitting his hand against george's side, "i'll let you know if i'm not."

george nodded, taking the taller boy's word for it as they followed quackity into the house and through to the kitchen, watching the ravenette as he grabbed them all a beer.

"don't drink the stuff from already opened bottles," quackity started, handing them their drinks, "and definitely don't drink from the punch, you can't be sure what's in it." it's a high school house party, so quackity wasn't worried about his friends getting spiked or anything, he was more thinking about the risk of them accidentally taking a drug they didn't want or drinking punch that someone had pissed in- it wouldn't be a first.

"thanks q," karl joked, fingers unintentionally tapping along the neck of his beer, "that's definitely one way to calm my anxiety."

"oh shit, sorry," quackity spluttered, quick to apologise, "i didn't mean t-"

"q," karl interrupted, grinning at the shorter boy, "i was just joking."

george smiled at punz as he made his way towards their group, dream following behind but breaking off a few meters away in favour of getting himself a drink.

"hi guys," punz smiled, turning his attention to karl. "i locked my room for you, it's at the top of the stairs, furthest to the left," he directed, fishing a key out of his pocket and handing it to the brunette, "please don't lose this, it's my only one."

"i won't," karl assured, pushing it safely into his jean pocket, "and thank you so much, it means a lot."

"any time, man," punz chirped, leaving a friendly hit against the other's arm which he routinely flinched away from. "i'm sorry was that-" the blond tried to apologise, karl quickly cutting him off.

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