a geek and a jock

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


sapnap rolled over in the bed and, quite maturely, screamed into the pillow.

all he wanted in that moment was to forget last night. that, or never see his dads again.

"sap?" the father's voice echoed from the door. quickly pulling his head up from the pillow, sapnap looked up to see the brunette standing across the room, mug in hand. "i brought you some green tea," he smiled, walking over and handing it to sapnap. "how are you feeling?"

"like shit," he answered honestly.

"language," bad scolded.

"sorry," the ravenette apologised, taking a sip of the hot tea, "and i'm sorry for yesterday, too."

"it's fine, sap," bad spoke reassuringly, laying a hand on his son's shoulder, "we're not mad or anything, just please don't go about getting high to cope with your feelings. we'd much rather you spoke to us first."

"i will," he muttered honestly, regretting yesterday too much to ever even contemplate doing it again. "i'm sorry."

"how about you come down for breakfast?" he suggested, getting up to leave the room, sapnap following behind begrudgingly.

sapnap sat down beside ella when he reached the table, putting his tea in front of him and laying his head in his hands.

"are you hanging out with george today?" his sibling asked, far too energetic for his current state.

"don't know," sapnap mumbled into his palms, "why?"

"just wondering," they chirped, going back to eating their apple slices.

"can you stop being so weird about george all the time?" sapnap snapped, looking up at his sibling through the gaps in his fingers.

"i'm not being weird," they quickly defended.

sapnap groaned in annoyance, looking back down at the table.

"ella, stop annoying your brother," skeppy scolded, placing a plate with eggs and bacon (plated to look like a smile) in front of the raven-haired boy, "he's had a hard night."

sapnap's phone vibrated against the table, bad looking up with a quick, "no phones at the table."

the ravenette apologised, picking it up to put in his pocket and briefly reading the messages as he did so.

dream had added them all into a group chat together to ask if they wanted to meet up. george and punz had already said yes and he watched as a message from karl came through, reading, "i'll come but it might not be for too long."

"sapnap, i said no phones," bad repeated, the ravenette looking at him with a shocked expression - he couldn't meet up with punz. "what?" bad asked, trying to read his son's face.

"i-" he looked back down to his phone, then over to ella who looked very confused, before turning back to his dads, "i'll tell you later."

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