neighbourhood run-down

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


it isn't fun, dream learned, to wake up to the sound of your own stomach growling at you.

at first, his hunger confused the blond, as he always ate at night before going to sleep, but after checking the time to see he'd slept for over ten hours it made a lot more sense.

he dragged himself out of bed, brushing his teeth and not putting much effort into choosing an outfit before making his way down the stairs to the kitchen.

tommy looked up as his brother entered the room, the younger boy clearly having been awake for a few hours already as he chirped an energetic, "morning!"

dream lacked a verbal response as he nodded tiredly towards the other, pulling out a carton of milk and pouring himself a glass.

"aren't you having breakfast?" tommy asked, eyes fixed on dream's movements.

"in a min," he muttered, taking a short sip of his drink.

"do you want me to leave?" the shorter blond offered, receiving a confused look from dream.

"why would i want you to leave?"

tommy didn't even seem to know the answer as his eyes trailed away from dream's to mindlessly dart around the room. "i'm not sure," he answered honestly, "i feel like i'm in your way."

"you're not mate, don't worry," dream assured, ruffling up his brother's hair before discarding his glass into the sink and heading back upstairs.

dream looked out his window to see george sitting outside on his front step, talking to his mom. she only stayed out for a few short moments before heading inside, leaving george sat by himself.

dream figured he may as well go and say hi.

he passed by tommy on his way down the stairs. "me, ranboo, holly, and tubbo are going to dani's," he informed the older, "do you want me to bring you something back?"

"no thanks," dream dismissed quickly, eager to make his way out of the house, "i'm just gonna make myself something."

tommy nodded, leaving dream alone as he sat on the bottom of the stairs to quickly pull his shoes on.

their front door pushed open, holly and ranboo walking in. "oh, hi guys," he smiled at the twins, receiving a quick 'hi' before they both made their way up to tommy's room.

dream got up, taking a moment to check his reflection in the mirror and pat down his static hairs before pulling the front door open to see punz walking up his driveway.

"wow, someone's excited to see me," punz joked.

dream let his gaze shift to where george had been sitting just minutes prior to see the brit was no longer there. "shut up," the younger boy laughed, closing the door behind him, "i was just bored," he lied.

"you wanna come back to mine?" punz offered, receiving a quick affirmative answer from his friend before turning back down the road towards his own house.

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