an insight to the younger siblings

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


it was killing punz not telling dream about the car journey with sapnap.

and not in the way that it was just nagging at his mind occasionally. no, not like that. rather in the way that every time he had seen dream over the past few days it was all he could think about.

it was suffocating.

he wanted to sit in the dark of his room and confess everything. his hand burnt with the memory of sapnap's thigh and he had no outlet to tell anyone. all he wanted was to tell dream. but sapnap wasn't out, and punz wasn't about to out him so, instead, he just let it eat at him.

"how was football, boys?" phil asked as the two boys entered the kitchen, having just returned from practice.

"it was really good," punz smiled enthusiastically, going on to explain an amazing play they'd made while dream got them both a bowl of ice.

"dad?" tommy's voice echoed down the stairs.

"if you want to talk to me then you can come downstairs," phil shouted back, the sound of tommy stomping down the stairs filling the house.

"can holly sleep round?" he asked, smiling hopefully at his father.

"just holly?" he asked, receiving a nod, "why not ranboo or tubbo?"

"it's because boo and his parents are going out," tommy explained, "i felt bad that she'd be home alone."

"oh right, well that's fine then," phil replied. "you should invite tubbo too," he suggested.

dream and punz shared a suspicious look before heading upstairs with their ice, punz grabbing two oranges on the way.

they sat on the bed, dream immediately turning to his best friend with a serious expression, "are you okay?"

"yeah, why wouldn't i be?" punz asked, his mind running rampant with the thought of sapnap, sapnap, sapnap.

"you've been spaced out all day," dream pointed out anxiously.

"oh, well i'm good," punz shrugged nonchalantly, looking down to start peeling his orange.

"are you sure?" dream checked, even more worried now that the other was avoiding his eye contact.


"punz, if you aren't feeling good then promise you'll say."

"i will."

"no, punz," dream spoke sternly. "you have to say you promise," he spoke desperately, drowned in fear, "i can't lose you."

punz sat up, looking back up to his almost-teary-eyed friend. "dream, i promise i'm okay," he assured.

"so what's on your mind?" the younger boy asked, searching his friend's eyes for any kind of sign.

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