and then they all knew.

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"you should all come back to mine tonight and we can go in my hot tub," punz suggested, breaking through the comfortable silence that had settled over the group as he threw the ball back to dream.

"me and george can't," dream frowned, gesturing to the short brunette sitting on the curb and throwing the ball back, "i'm taking him out."

"i suppose that's an acceptable excuse," punz shrugged. "how about you three?"

quackity exhales a long breath of smoke, handing the joint back to george with a nod. "yeah, that sounds good to me."

"same here," karl agreed, "i can't remember the last time i was in a hot tub."

punz turned to face sapnap, the ravenette's face immediately tinting red at the eye contact. "yeah, i'll come."

"okay, cool beans," punz grinned.

the group chilled outside for a few more hours, smoking and throwing the ball between themselves before dream and george left for their date. punz then decided it was probably a good time for him to head back too.

"right, i gotta go back and set up the hot tub, it'll take like an hour and you guys can just come whenever."

"should we eat before we come?" karl asked, pulling himself up off of the curb and dusting down his pants.

"no it's good, we can order food to mine," punz replied, the other three agreeing before they all split off to their separate houses.

by the time karl and quackity arrived at punz's, it was already dark, the group having been hanging out the whole day. "it's too dark, i can't see shit," quackity complained as he walked into the garden.

"hold on a minute," punz replied, tapping on the screen sitting on the edge of the hot tub, "it has cool lights."

a few moments later, the lights came on, illuminating the garden in blue before slowly fading into green.

"that is very sick," karl complimented, kicking his shoes off.

"can i get in?" quackity asked, copying the brunette's motions.

"yeah, sure," punz nodded, advising the boys on where to leave their stuff so that it won't get wet.

quackity was first in, squealing because it's hot (as if that wasn't expected). karl quickly followed, sitting beside the ravenette with a light-hearted giggle.

"wow, getting in without me?" sapnap asked, feigning offence as he walked over to the others.

"sorry sap," quackity started, spreading his arms out along the edge of the hot tub and leaning back on the bench. "i can't hear you over all of my swag."

sapnap playfully rolled his eyes at the shorter boy, turning his attention to punz as the blond spoke. "we just hung our towels and shirts up on the tree so they won't get wet if any water splashes over."

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