they're one big family, your honour.

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


punz pulled on some boxers and one of sapnap's bigger t-shirts, turning to face the younger boy as he shifted around in the bed behind him. "good morning, sleepyhead," the blond chirped, grinning as the ravenette muffled a tired groan into the pillow. "how are you feeling?"

"sticky," sapnap mumbled, turning his head to look at punz with a light-hearted pout.

punz winced through a smile, leaning over to run a hand through sapnap's matted hair. "maybe the washcloth wasn't enough?" he joked, earning himself an amused scoff from the other. "how about a shower?"

sapnap hummed, tiredly nodding his head and muttering a quiet, "thank you," as punz dismissed himself to the bathroom.

despite the groggy feeling, sapnap felt like he was glowing.

he let his eyes slip shut, listening intently to punz's quiet singing from the other room. in less than a few minutes, the blond returned, peeking his head into the room. "it's all ready and warm for you, love."

the pet name slipped by unintentionally, but when sapnap only reacted with a flustered smile he decided not to backtrack.

sapnap stretched in the bed, ignoring the aching pain as he pulled himself out from under the covers and practically threw himself out of the bed. his knees buckled as his feet hit the floor, sending him stumbling a few steps before punz stepped forward, laughing and wrapping a securing arm around his waist. "careful there, soldier."

sapnap rolled his eyes, hitting punz's arm off of him as he balanced himself, "i don't need you to hold me up, loser, i just lost my footing."

"oh, i'm sure," punz smirked knowingly, stepping away as sapnap slowly made his way to the bathroom, "and i assume you won't need any help in the shower either then?"

sapnap glared playfully at him from across the room. "no, i don't need help," he replied, holding onto the doorframe for support, "although you totally should still help, as it's the polite thing to do after fucking up my legs."

a smile spread across punz's face as he stepped forward, gripping his hands firmly on the smaller boy's bare waist. "i'll help if you wash my hair," he bargained, leaning down to brush his lips over sapnap's, not yet closing the distance.

"okay deal," sapnap whispered, giving the blond a quick peck.

sapnap went to deepen this kiss, pulling away abruptly when punz's hand came down hard on his ass. he winced, looking at the giggling boy with a frown. "what was that for?"

"you can't go around showing off all that cake and expect me not to," he smirked.

they continued with their -very mature- banter as they got into the shower. punz, as expected, spent most of his time holding up sapnap as the ravenette complained about his, "jelly legs."

it took far longer than necessary (for reasons that only concern the pair of them. the activities they do in the shower is nobody's business.) but eventually, they get out, taking their time as they get dressed before heading downstairs for some breakfast.

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