hot songs

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


"do you want to go on the aux again?" punz offered as he pulled on his seatbelt, sapnap doing the same.

"i can't, my phone's nearly out of charge," sapnap replied.

punz plugged in his phone, handing it to sapnap as he started the car, "you can just choose one of my playlists."

sapnap nodded, holding the phone in front of the blond to register his face id before navigating his way to spotify and scrolling through the multitude of playlists. he eventually chose one that seemed to have a summery name, seeing as it went with the vibe of the day.

by the time i wanna be yours by the arctic monkeys was fading out, they were already on the interstate.

it was quite late, and the road they were on was relatively empty, so punz made the decision to crank up the speed a bit, dream clearly getting the memo and doing the same.

the beginning beat of she's my collar by gorillaz began to play through the speakers, something about it hypnotising sapnap into turning to punz. sapnap always knew punz was attractive, even when they weren't friends -maybe that secretly had something to do with why he hated him so much- but, during that time of dislike, sapnap never admired punz for who he really was. he was certainly admiring now.

punz's head bobbed along to the beat of the music, his carefree expression made visible by the way the breeze blew all his hair back behind him. punz's eyes were shining under the light of the stars, fixed in place where they focused on the road ahead of them.

his arms were nice too. sapnap hadn't really noticed it before but, looking at them now -where they were stretched out and gripping onto the steering wheel, veins flexed- they definitely were not going unnoticed.

sapnap's eyes flicked back up to punz's face to see a small smile resting where one hadn't been prior.

"you're staring."

"sorry," sapnap muttered, turning away quickly to look out the window, praying to all things good that punz couldn't see the embarrassed blush burning his face.

punz's gaze faltered to the side momentarily to see sapnap facing away from him. "don't apologise," he spoke quietly, turning back to the road and feeling his own heart skip a bit, "i like the attention."

punz swore to himself, wondering why the fuck he kept being such a weirdo to his straight friend. it was so fucked of him to flirt like that.

sapnap turned back, punz looking over for a second to see him smiling.

punz smiled back before looking back to the road.

having to watch where he was driving was a great excuse to avoid eye contact with the ravenette. in any other situation, he'd be stuck staring.

"can i tell you something?" sapnap asked, almost inaudibly.

"yeah, of course," punz replied, trying not to let his thoughts run wild with the imagination of confessions that would never really be said.

the boys along the streetWhere stories live. Discover now