any pretty girls?

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊


george woke up to a call from his dad, and as much as he hated talking to him, he figured he'd have to answer eventually.

"george!" his dad chirped through the phone.


"have you found any pretty girls yet?" he asked, and george had to shake the thought of dream out of his head.

"nope," he muttered, pulling himself out of bed and up towards his wardrobe, "and i'm not going to."

"george," his dad spoke, spitting out george's name like it was mouldy milk, "you need to grow out of this. it's disgusting."

"sorry," george replied, though he was anything but.

"you're not gay, you just need to try talking to girls," his dad suggested, "you'll get out of this phase eventually."

"is this the only reason you called?" george quizzed, not even trying to hold back his frustrated tone.

"no actually, could you ask your mother to call me back?"


"don't ask questions, george," the older man chastised, "just do it."

"okay," george rolled his eyes, ending the call and reading the group chat messages as he walked downstairs.

there wasn't anything too interesting- dream asked george out, everyone made fun of him, sapnap said he wanted pringles, karl said he would take some round, sapnap sent a very happy selfie eating his pringles.

the usual.

he made his way into the kitchen. "dad says can you call him," george informed his mum, pushing himself up to sit on one of the counter chairs.

she wordlessly looked down at her phone, sighing to herself before leaving the room. george heard a muffled, "hello?" before she shut the living room door.

george opened discord to see sapnap and quackity on a call, leaning his phone up on the fruit bowl and grabbing an apple before joining.

"georgie!" sapnap chirped, receiving an eye roll from the brunette.

"hey guys," he replied, chewing a mouthful of apple.

"so, what's everyone doing today?" sapnap asked, clearly suggesting they meet up.

"i'm busy today," quackity replied quickly.

"yeah?" sapnap squinted suspiciously, "doing what?"

"nothing important," quackity muttered, both boys looking at him expectantly, "don't worry about it."

"well you have to tell us now!" george exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the camera.

"ugh," quackity groaned, looking behind himself at the shut door, "promise you won't tell karl."

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