Chapter 10: A Piece of Past Puzzle

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The smell of japchae filled the studio apartment. Taehyung was cooking their dinner tonight as Seokjin emerged from the bathroom. Freshly showered with some water dripped from his damp hair. He wore Tae's clothes again and looked so beautiful, Taehyung had to contain his heart.

Tae turned off the stove, pulled Seokjin into his embrace, and kissed him deeply. Seokjin reciprocated with the same eagerness.

"You smell so good. Should I eat you first?" He asked teasingly.

"Let's eat your japchae first, while it's still warm. You've worked hard to make it."

Taehyung smiled. They kissed some more before letting each other go and preparing their dinner.

Though curiosity piqued him, Seokjin didn't ask why Taehyung had ignored him all week in the office. For now, he would settle for the thought that maybe Tae didn't want anybody to know about them, especially their colleagues. Of course, Seokjin knew the risk, and in his position, he would be the one who suffered the most out of the two of them.

"I found a nice gallery we could visit tomorrow." Taehyung said in between their meal.

"Oh, great!" Great indeed! It meant Taehyung wanted another date with him. Seokjin's heart fluttered.

"They held a painting exhibition this week. Don't worry, it's all about contemporary art. No more under-the-sea pictures."

"Huh?" Seokjin looked up from his plate. From the way Taehyung reacted last week as he stuck on that scuba diver picture, Seokjin knew Taehyung had seen him in his vulnerable state. He didn't want to show that side to Taehyung. 

Taehyung already got up from his seat, brushed Seokjin's head and pecked his temple lightly.

"Let me do the dishes. You already cooked." Seokjin offered himself.

Taehyung turned around. "Do you even know how to properly wash the dishes?" He asked doubtfully.

Seokjin laughed. "Of course I know. What do you think I am?"

"I thought you were always surrounded by servants and maids who would take your orders and do everything for you."

"I studied abroad for my master's degree. That was when I learned to take care of everything myself, including washing my own dishes." Seokjin chuckled. But Taehyung fell silent and thought. Taehyung remembered that Seokjin said he wasn't a virgin.

"Did you have boyfriends during those years?"

Seokjin finished his last spoon of japchae and got up. "Yeah. A boyfriend of 3 years." He put the plate on the sink behind Taehyung and caged him there with so little space between them.

"Yet, nobody knew that you were gay back in Korea?"

"I told you I kept things private, Tae." He answered in a low whisper.

"Why did you two break up?"

"Why don't we talk about us instead?" Seokjin pressed his lower body to Taehyung's.

"Do your parents know that you're gay?"

"Do your parents know that you're gay?" Seokjin asked back in a very low tone. He tightened his embrace, locked his gaze on Taehyung's blue eyes,  and brushed their crotch together, making Taehyung shudder.

"They do." He answered impatiently. "How about yours?"

But Seokjin didn't answer and kissed Taehyung instead to intentionally shut him up from questioning the things Seokjin didn't want to answer. "Let's just make love, huh! I want you so bad."


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