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I silently sit on the small bed and play with her blonde locks of hair- twirling them between my fingers like it is one of the most interesting thing I've ever done.

I'm gonna punch the shit out of Artemis once I get home. That asshole just had to be rude to her on the first meeting. Nobody treats our baby sister like this. Not even him.

After he left, Katy didn't say anything but I could tell she was beyond confused. The only thing I was stunned at that she has a really good poker face. She masked her emotions everytime she talked to me- not giving away anything but galloping and taking informations from me.


As her body is still tired from the shits, I thought she needed some rest so I put her to sleep, giving her a few sleeping pills- safe medical pills.

I scoot closer to her as she snuggles her head on my thigh, wrapping her dainty hands around my torso.

She looks so peaceful.

Is it wrong for me to say that I'm kind of glad that her family died? Like of course I don't want her to get hurt but it's made taking her custody for us very easy. The DNA test is gonna be ready in a day or two, and then I'll let Adrian and Lorenzo know, then the others.

Did her family treat her well? I've send Antonio on a whole ass mission to look into her past- and he's taking his time. I'm fucking impatient. I could tell that her family wasn't really broke- not broke at all.

She was fucking wearing Louis Vuitton and a designer top with a leather jacket that costs more than a grand.

We could've treated her even better? Right?

That reminds me of the uncountable missed calls from my annoying brothers.

I call Adrian back and he picks up on the 4th ring.

"Hello fratello, it's good to see that you're still alive."

fratello- brother in Italian

I chuckle at his poor attempt to be sarcastic but hey, it's a start.

"Disappointed a bit eh? How's the things in the warehouse going?"

I ask him with my hands tangling and untangling my baby sister's hair.

"Everything perfect so far, Lorenzo and I are handling it well. You and your brothers don't need to worry-"

I hear some shuffling from the other side of the line and a few unclear voices.

"Eh sorry, I'll call you back later? I gotta handle something right About now."

"See ya big brother." And with that I cut the call.

I put my phone down on the bedside table and smile, seeing my sister still in my arms.

It seems very surreal- heck don't tell me I don't have a DNA test yet. I know- Artemis knows it is her. She is like us in every fucking way. She looks just like our mother- beautiful.

She fidgets in my arms unwrapping her hands from my torso- but I don't pay the action any mind and start humming a song I heard a few days ago- the song is fucking gold.

Fangirl moment- fanboy moment tsk tsk.

I look down at her and I freak out when I find her looking up at me with an intense gaze. I keep looking back at her and she seems to study me for a bit longer.

I avert my gaze from hers and keep it on the door- feeling slightly nervous.

What if sorellina doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm a weirdo. She doesn't even know I'm her brother yet!!

But she can guess thou-

"I'm sure as hell that you definitely have the answers to my question big doc man."
She cuts me off with a loud abrupt question.

I straighten up but she remains still in my arms, still looking up at me, her eyes demanding answers.

"Tsk don't sweat your pea sized brain. Answer my first question or I'm gonna knee your balls hard hard and if you knew me- you'd know that my threats are not really empty. Why the fuck do you and the other hulk guy look like me?" She blurts out before giving me a chance to speak.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. My ears going red, in embarrassment.

She doesn't have a filter.

"That obvious?" I ask her softly and playfully.

She scoffs and for a moment, I think that's she's gonna snap at me- pull away from me- but instead, she puts a finger under my chin slightly tracing the scars in my faces.

Battle scars.

Just kidding.

"I fucking feel so weird. Two clones of me? Male version? What kinda movie is it? What kinda dream is it? Oh God- pull me out of it-" Her rambling cuts me off and she averts her gaze down on her lap.

I take my hands off her and put it in my pocket- taking out my wallet. She observes me with a narrowed expressions but also looking a bit curious. She sits back up on the bed and props her chin on her elbows.

I can't explain to her. But I can show her. Picture speaks more than words.

Don't they?

I shuffle into my wallet and take out a old torn picture.

The picture that's worth more than thousands of dollars.

It's a picture of Massimo, Artemis, her and I. She's like two in the picture- us looking happier than ever. I hand over the picture to her and she takes it without even looking at me. She fixates her gaze on it, her face still nutreal. She keeps gazing it for a few moments. Unreadable emotions storming through her eyes.

Her eyes become slightly glossy. Her eyes are holding a questioning look in them. And I feel a tang bit of hurt in my chest.

"You-you don't remember? Not even bits here and there?" I ask, my voice shaking.

She looks back at me, her bottom lip quivering. "Remember what?"


She lets out a sob. A tear trickling down her cheek. She closes her eyes and let out a longing breath.

"No I can't."


My phone starts to ring and I let out a frustrated groan. I cut the call without even looking at it.

It's been 3 hours since I confronted her about being our little sister. Saying she was surprised would be an understatement. She's dazed. So am I though. The DNA test's coming out today and I'm on my way to pick it up. I still have to call Adrian.

The phone starts to ring again and I bang my fists on the steering wheel. I free my hand from the wheel and answer the damn phone. "Hello?" I grunt out.

"Hello?? L?? Are you listening to me???"
I hear a very very familiar voice shouting from the other side.

"No I'm not listening Roman. I'm totally deaf." I hiss at my little brother and focus on the street.

"Okay okay. Um so uh- can you come pick Kaison and I up?" He asks me, very nervously.

"Did you happen to forget that you have a car?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Umm about that. How about you come and see for yourse- OUCH OUCH okay okay bro I'm coming......oh sorry big brother I got to go before Adrien tries to kill me. Goodbye love ya!" And the bastard hangs up.

I park at the hospital and quickly get out of my Audi R8. I still have to pick up the tests.

I turn around towards the entrance and my whole body goes stiff- when I see Adrian standing there with Dr. Tammy- Katelyn's case reader.


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