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"She- what?" I exclaim as I take in Artemis's brutally broken nose. He is slumped on the sofa right now with a big bandage over his nose and a pipe in it for him to help breath.

"Art are you sure you weren't drunk? You weren't hallucinating?" Kaison asks him, looking even more dumbfounded.

Massimo is pacing through the hallway as Adrian is sitting on a single sofa holding his head in his palms.

There is no way Kate could break his nose like this.

A punch as strong as this requires the person delivering it to be more than 140 pounds, and my baby sister isn't even more than 120.

"She wouldn't pick up her calls," Lorenzo comes in the hallway, looking devastated.

She couldn't have run away, damn it. We just got her back, and-

A knock echos through the mansion and my heartbeat accelerates. I rush to the main door and I hear loud footsteps following me.

I can't lose my baby sister again. We can't lose her again.

I slam the door open and engulf the person standing in front of it in a giant bear hug.

But I fail, because the person is taller than me, bulkier and smells like sweat. How can it be Ka-

I pull away from the hug and my heart bursts with tons of disappointment as I take in the person I hugged.

Adrien stands there with a horrified expression and Roman stands behind him with a confused and also a horrified one.

Sons of bitches.

Nonetheless, I push Adrian and Roman back out the door and slam it close.

"Let's wait a few minutes untill we track her," Adrian says, as we make our way back to the living room, leaving the two sons of bitches outside.



I stand there and look at the closed door dumbfounded, my brain too slow to process what actually happened.

"Um, we can always use the backdoor," Rome says in a grim voice, and I follow him wordlessly.

This is not a not usual thing around here.

And then I notice a silhouette of a girl, jumping over the fence. She has messy blonde hair and wet clothes clinging to her body like a second skin.

It doesn't take me long to understand that it is none other than the mysterious brand new Celeste sibling.

Even Art and Rome has been hesitant about giving me information about the girl who not only took my room quiet unfairly and turned it into pink puke.

Even though it's dark, her pale skin glistens through the darkness, as she cautiously runs to the backdoor, with long heels on- definitely not knowing we're going there too.

I tap Roman on his shoulder and point it in blondy's direction.

"That your sis?" He looks and his face morphs into deep confusion.

"Isn't it like 3 at the morning?" Roman asks me, the boy really looks done with the world now.

Blondy notices us but she remains emotionless. She takes in Rome and I, but I think her gaze remains on me for a bit longer.

"Where the fuck were you?" Roman scowls at her, but for a second I see pure concern in my bestfriend's eyes, which doesn't stay longer than a few seconds.

"Out," She looks annoyed, definitely waiting for Rome to open the door so she can slip in.

Roman looks conflicted for a second but soon he lets out a sigh.

"Whatever," he says as he opens the door.

He gets in first and I stay back, motioning for blondy to go first, and she happily obliges. And I cannot help but check her out from behind.

Damn the genes are strong.



I cautiously tiptoe in the house and the Greek god gives me weird looks.

I definitely do not want any of my brothers to find out that I was out, and for a fact, I know that Roman does not care enough to rat me out.

Soon Adrien gets tired of studying me as he strides into the living room, which looks and sounds way to lively than it was supposed to be.

Just as I try to cross the living room, I get a fucking whiplash. 8 pairs of eyes look at me, and I don't look down.

Artemis is lying down on the sofa while holding his now bandaged nose.

Of course they are mad because I broke their brother's nose, they will probably -

My thoughts come to a halt as Adrian reaches to me and engulfs me into a hug, while I stand dumbfounded.

Levi and Lorenzo stands up from their position and runs towards us, looking relieved.

I reluctantly wrap my hands on Adrian's broad shoulders as he buries his nose in my semi wet hair.

He lets me go and the other two hug me tightly too.

I do not say anything as I hug them back but my eyes get wide as soccer when I take in the laptop and a headset infront of Massimo and Kaison.

The screen shows a map and a red dot going off and on, and sudden anger overtakes me.

I shove Levi off me as I spit out,"Were you fucking tracking me?" I clench and unclench my fists, trying so hard to not lose my shit right in front of them.

"How- how did you-" Massimo stutters but I do not let him finish.

I stride towards him and snatch the computer from the table and throw it with all my force against the wall.

It breaks into thousands of pieces and a defeaning silence falls through the entire room.

"I- am. Not. Your. Damn fucking prisoner here!" I grit out. Adrian and Lorenzo backs away, emotions going wild in their eyes.

"Do not behave like this with your brothers-" I cut him off.

"Like hell I will! What? I have to obey you like a little fucking puppy just because you let me stay here? And you all can do whatever you please!" I shout, "Shove this house up your ass, because I'm not staying here anymore!"

Their face crumple, even Artemis's. But Roman's stay emotionless, I don't see Adrien here anymore.

I run out of the living room and aim for the main door, as a heavy arm hoists me up by my waist, and I trash. I don't care who that person is, all I care that I want out, out of this shithole.

I see Levi coming infront of me with a defeated expression and the person hoisting me up, grips me even harder.

"I- I am so sorry, K but I can't lose you again, we can't lose you again, we won't lose you again!" His eyes get glassy and I feel a slight prick in the side of my neck.

The person let's go off me as I fall on my knees on the ground, and I look back to see that it is Roman.

My heart breaks as the feeling of betrayal takes over, black dots appear in my visions, and I sway and sway,

Untill everything goes dark.

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