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"You know- that I love you right?" I put on my best innocent face infront of Adrian and try my best to shed a few tears

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"You know- that I love you right?" I put on my best innocent face infront of Adrian and try my best to shed a few tears.

"Kay- I-" he tries to talk but I cut him off.

"You can't make me quit my older school in the middle of the year! It is not just weird but also- horrendous!" I blurt out.

He sighs, he actually looks lost at the moment but i can't care.

"I have friends in there! People I love! Oh God, I can't -" I take a deep breath, "you can't make me transfer." My voice breaks.

Even though I'm faking half my emotions but I can't really handle a change of school right now. They can't just ask me to throw my life away and follow their advices like a lost damn puppy.

"Damn it sorella! You have to understand me too. How can you go to a school that is literally 2 hours away from here? I get it! But this can be a new beginning for you-"

"Screw a new beginning! What-? What would I need a new beginning for? My life was perfect, except for them dying! And you guys finding me! But- but," I stammer, at loss of words, I really feel like bawling my eyes out now.

"You're going to school with your brothers, K and it is final,"

"Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck are you to take decisions about my life-?" Adrian cuts me off, his face is red and he is fuming.

"Your fucking brother Kate, your fucking brother who is more than eager to take you in! To adopt you rather than letting you rot in the streets! Don't you think you should be a bit more thankful to us? And God, you're insufferable," he tugs at the end of his hear, and my heart breaks from his words.

And insufferable brat!

You should be greatful that you have a roof on your head.

Dad's words echo through my head and wetness fills my eyes to the brims.

But I don't let it show, it's embarrassing.

Adrian seems to realize his mistake as he looks at me, his face breaks into a pained emotion as he tries to apologize but I don't let him, I run out of my room and down, I run until I reach the front door to go out, but instead I crash into a broad chest and fall on my ass on the floor.

"Watch where you are fucking going, Goddamnit." A familiar voice mutters, and I look up and see that it is no other than Artemis.

Fucking amazing.

"What about you watching where you're going?" I shoot back, I had enough of his shits. All of their shits.

He looks shocked for a moment but it isn't late when he recoils, "I can do whatever the fuck I want in my house, on the other hand-" I don't let him humiliate me anymore.

I don't let him talk to me like I'm beneath him, I punch him straight in his face. A loud cracking sound echoes through the house as Artemis flies back and slams on the door.

Blood is dripping from his nose and he closes his eyes from the pain, but I smirk at him sickly because I haven't felt this satisfied in weeks.

I storm off the house leaving him cooped up in a corner and I call Caden, he picks up at the 4th ring.

"Screw my vacation. I'm coming to the ring right now. Let Andrew know!"


Punch! Kick ! Punch!

And he falls on the ground. I fix my mask on my face as I wipe the blood of my knuckles.

My opponent was way too bulky, and double my size. There is no way he does not take steroids.

It has been a while since I turned my phone off and fought a few matches in the illegal fighting ring back home.

Santi and Caden was surprised, Andrew was baffled. They hadn't expected me to come back this quickly.

Caden comes near the ring, handing me a water bottle through the net and motions for me to follow him.

I timidly follow him to the dressing room and let out a staggered breath.

I put off my mask and finish the unopened water bottle in a few gulps. Caden slumps down on the chair next to me. "You have to take it slow K," he puts a hand on my shoulder, "You okay?"

"Why wouldn't be I?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

I am everything but okay.

I feel like I'm having my life ripped away from me. I feel enraged, and angry and sad.

They are family. They care about me, but they are also overbearing. Why take me in when they have to remind me that I'm just a Charity they're spending their money one?

"You should get a break, Kate. Honestly." Santi comes into the room and hands me a bundle of fresh cash, I gingerly take it and stuff it in my pockets.

"Piss of Santi, eat shit." I shove him away.

"I-I need to be alone at this moment. Can you drop me back- home?" I clear my throat, suffocation grasps me and I understand I cannot stay here any longer.

Caden agrees to drop me off as I turn on my phone. My phone is flooded with hundreds of calls and texts, all from unknown numbers.

But it doesn't take rocket science to figure out who they are, I shove my phone in my sports bra as I make my way back to Cade's care.

They could eat shits for all I care.

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