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Every single part of my body starts to burn, from anger. Sheer anger, and rage. I clutch on my clothes tighter, glaring at the lazy gaze of Adrien. He has a gun in his hand, and a pocket knife dangling from another.

His hair has grown a bit, and there's a new jagged scar on his face. Besides them, he looks perfectly fine to me.

"You need to go," I grit my teeth together, putting pressure on the clothes im holding in my hands. His appearance is making me lose my mind, out of sheer anger.

He shot Santiago, I should have let Santi kill him. Atleast he'd be alive then.

He chuckles, shaking his head up and down. Is he fucking mocking me?

"I don't think this is what you're supposed to tell me," he looks at me through his eyelashes, "Come back home Katelyn, they miss you. Come back to family,"

I really lose it. I pull up the only chair sitting in the balcony up and swing it around his face. He ducks the first time, his eyes widen.

I hit him again, twice- thrice or probably ten times. He grabs my neck and pins me to the wall. My back slams into the wall and my eyes burn with unshed tear. The chair is sitting on the floor all broken, and Adrien's face is all bloody. But he doesn't look like he is in any sorts of pain. He looks like he's enjoying it.

He tightens his on my neck and I gasp out for air. I claw at his arms but he grabs both my wrists and pins them on my stomach.

I keep trashing, I feel like my heart is going to come out through my throat. My lunges ache and I look desperately into Adrien's eyes.

And he lets me go, and I slide down the wall. Taking a big gasp of air, I touch my aching neck. Sobs after sobs build up inside me but I bite on my lip to suppress them all.

He grabs my hips with his strong hands, pulling me up on my feet. I push at his chest when I kind of regain my breath. My thoughts are jumbled up. I can't think of any particular thing. Just a few voices repeating the same thing again and again, in my head.

When I look at the railing, and look down the ground. The voices start to become more apparent. They get louder, making my ears ring.

Jump jump jump!

The balcony door soon starts to shake, as someone bangs on it. And Adrien suddenly leaves me alone.

"You know what? Fuck you. Raiding the entire country just to find a bitch who doesn't even want to be found! I can't with this anymore," he spits out.

I look at him with sheer disbelief, but fail to ignore the chanting inside my head. I watch as Adrien climbs down the balcony, throwing his dagger far away.

Jump jump JUMP!

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" I put my palms on my ears, trying to suppress the loud voices. My legs buckle and I slide down on my knees. The balcony door opens with a loud bang, but I don't pay no attention to those shits.

I just need the aching voices to fucking stop.

"Hey, hey! lynn Who the fuck was here?" I feel a hand on my shoulder and I violently jerk away.

"Make it stop please! Make it fucking stop," I make out, begging Tyler sitting beside me.

"Make what stop? Hey, make what stop, baby? Are you in any kind of pain?"
He puts his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest.

"The voices....they," I gasp,"too loud, make them stop!" I tug at the roots of my hair as I stare at tyler looking at me with a panicked expression.

"I'll get my mom. Lynn, shell know what to do. She's a nurse, if she doesn't, we're taking you to hospital," he grabs my cheeks, "Baby, hold in for a few minutes, yeah? Can you stay, I'll be back in a few sec," I nod, and he rushes out somehowhere.

Jump jump jump

Visions of multiple things flash before my eyes, my heart feels like it's gonna explode. I need to jump, I need to fucking die.

I can't die, I can't die! I just need the voices to stop.

I look at the wall behind me, it's just my head. The voices are in my head, I need them to stop.

With that, I smash my head hard on the wall. My forehead makes a soft sound and wet substance trickles down my cheeks. The voices still do not stop.

I smash my head again, and again. Untill someone violently grabs my shoulder and jerk me up so that I'm nowhere near the wall.


Looking back up with a hazy vision, I see the same pair of eyes looking at me. Artemis. He looks like he's going to cry.

"Why, what?" He asks me dumbfounded, fumbling with his phone in his pocket.

"emergenza, l'abbiamo trovata. invia un'ambulanza di emergenza veloce! in 2 minuti!"

'Emergency, we found her. Send ambulance first, send a fucking ambulance in two fucking minutes!"

"Who the fuck are you?" I hear Tyler's voice and even though half my head is probably bleeding out I feel my heart cooling down at his presence. I crawl away from Artemis, and frantically look for Tyler.

And when he finally kneels down and hugs the fuck out of me I start to cry, out of relief. That the voices have finally stopped and even though the dull pain in my head intensifies I have never felt this happy ever before in my life.

"We need to get you to the hospital, did he do this to you?" I shake my head when Tyler asks me.

I see Artemis looking at me with watery eyes, he's clenching his jaw tightly. I know that Tyler probably has already realized that he's my brother, because God, the resemblance is unfuckingcanny.

"Oh my, dear what happened here?" A soft voice enters my ears.

"Ma, call 911. She's bleeding out." Tyler exclaims, but Artemis stops him.

"I've done that already, all you need to do is hand her to me," he tells him.

"Bro, I don't even know who the fuck you are! You need to fucking back off!"

I tune out their voices, looking at the woman observing me closely. Brown hair, brown eyes and a thin sets of lips. Even with my banged up head I can surely see that she looks nothing like Tyler and Jackson.

But alot fucking like someone who's dead and probably buried. Peter Hayden Jones.

I'd be lying if she wasn't the exact replica of John's wife, Isabela. Another dead fucking person who died 7 years ago.

Or did she?

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