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Nobody came into my room after I asked them for space, and it was really nice. I had dozed off after a while and it is probably a little after noon.

An uncomfortable silence lingers all around me and I feel a little unsettled. I cannot tell my brothers about myself yet, I cannot quit yet. They haven't officially announced that I've been found again, hell they didn't even tell me.

So it is entirely safe to say, that I do have quite time to settle everything out. I sit up on the bed, and my eyes go to the round mirror situated in the middle of my room, and I almost get a heart attack.

My blonde hair, is worse that a nest, sticking around horribly. My face is blotchy, red and swollen. I didn't even change from the sweaty clothes I had gone out wearing, and a feeling of dread washes over me.

Oh my god, I have never felt this disgusting.

I shove all the important thoughts in the very back of my mind, as I shoot towards my bathroom. I spend an hour scrubbing, brushing, shampooing and bathing.

After I get out of my bathroom, suffice to say- I am feeling like an entirely new person and I already can say my day is going to be so better.

I do my everyday morning self care routine in the afternoon and put on a pink top from chanel, and a skirt.

I need to feel pretty to have positive thoughts!

Just after I finish curling the last strand of my blonde hair, a heavy knock rattles the door. I assume it is one of my brothers, and they had meant to knock a bit more gently but their big bodies didn't help.

I shout a loud ' it's open ' and spray on me my favorite Victoria's secret peach flavored perfume, and Kaison comes in.

He halts when he sees me, his eyes go wide as soccer's. He takes a look of my dressing table, and he overwhelming-ly looks at me.

"Oh- I unpacked them today, I tend to redecorate things when I am uh- stressed," I wave him off, giving him a meek smile.

"It- it is fine," he nervously laughs, " We definitely do not need to take you shopping," he laughs again.

I shoot him a questioning glare and plop on my bed beside him, "So what did you need?"

A sudden realization takes over his face, and he plays with his fingers.

"I- I forgot," he blurts out. "I'll come back later- when I uh- remember!"

And with that he stands up and runs out of my room, as I keep sitting on my bed, dumbfounded.



I silently glare at the door of Kate's room quietly from the end of the hallway, silently debating if I should go in there or not.

I cannot explain to her why I did, what I did. I sedated my own sister. But I had reasons, she was going to walk out of us.

She could, without any problem if she didn't belong to the mafia. But she cannot just get out of this life.

She can desert the house, but she cannot get out of this. And no matter what I do, I cannot explain anything to her, wait- I can. But she wouldn't understand because she knows no shit about the mafia.

Kate's bedroom door slams open, and a nervous Kaison flies out of the room, and he notices me. But he runs past me and goes down the hallway.

I raise my fist to knock on her bedroom door, but my phone starts to ring. I halt, as I take my phone out of my shirt pant pocket.

It is Antonio Calling.

He works for us, he gathers information and processes them. He's also our inside man in the FBI.

I receive his call, and go farther away from Kate's room, pressing it against my ear.

"Salve signore," 'hello sir' Antonio greets me with his gruff voice.

"Perché mi hai chiamato?" ' the fuck did you need?" I grunt out.

"Signore, lei mi ha detto di raccogliere informazioni sulla sua sorellina, Katelyn. L'ho fatto, vuoi che te lo mandi?

"Sir, You told me to gather informations about your little sister, Katelyn. I did, do you want me to send them to you?

My ears perk up at this information, I had forgotten about it. "Yes, yes. Send them through one of your man, do not come to our house? Sei chiaro? ' are you clear?'

"Si signore," and I cut the call with a loud huff.

Antonio turns out to be very punctual for the first time in his life, maybe the information is too valuable.

Approximately an hour later, a guy dressed up in a surfer shirt and a pair of rugged shorts knocks at the door, when I open the door- his high pitched voice makes my ears ring.

"Hey, Levi man! Long time no see?" I motion for him to come in, and he greets me properly as I close the door. Clearly understanding it's one of Antonio's useless guys.

The surfer guy hands me a thick brown envelope and swiftly gets out again.

This is for extra caution, because the police are after our asses, not that they'll be ever able to get close to discovering us- but they can make a few unwanted raids to happen.

I tear open the envelope and I see Kate's BioData as the very first page, I keep flipping on and on- because I know all of the informations.

But I halt at the 6th page, my eyebrows scrunch up together.

The orphanage got Katelyn, at the age of 2.
She was an abandoned baby, her family members dying in a fatal car crash. She had not anything but a thin necklace around her neck- spelling the name Katelyn.

Parents dying in a car crash, what the fuck? Father didn't die in the car crash- and mother was never in the car because she was already dead. Rocco was in the car. But neither one of them was seriously harmed.

I go to the next para and my eyes almost bulge out of my sockets.

Katelyn has been put into adoption twice in her entire life, the first family had kept her for less than a month- she had been reported for violent behavior.

John and Isabel Hayden Jones had adopted her a while later, they had a son named Peter.

Isabel died years later, from a gunshot in her own house.

But it was never reported, covered as a car crash.

John Hayden Jones - undercover dealer of the American mafia, worked along with his son- Peter Hayden Jones. Investigation proves no direct connection of Katelyn with their works.

And then it clicked, those bastards. Katelyn just got tossed from one mafia family to another one. Judging by the long time, she's lived with them- I don't think she didn't know about them being involved in the American mafia.

As in queue, I see Kate trudging down the stares with a cheery look, I try to hide my flabbergasted expression as I tuck the thick bundle of paper inside my jacket.

She freezes when she looks at me, our gazes meet- she looks like she wants to tell me something, but her stoic expression comes back on. She ignores me as she makes her way to the kitchen.

Well at least she's not making her way out of us anymore.

I decide to give the informations on Kate to Adrian, not wanting to hide anything about K anymore,

Because I don't want to get my nose broken again.


Filler chapter! I'll update soon!

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