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"I am sure he is going to be okay, Alessio. It was almost removed from his body in the first stage, which is-" Levi looks at me, "Surprising,"

"What was he poisoned with, son?" Don Alessio inquires, worry etched to his features. He had come here a few hours after Levi, Adrian and Lorenzo did, with his youngest son, Andre.

"Dimethylmercury," Alessio's eyes widen when Levi says the name, and I flinch internally.

"It can be one of the strongest slow poison to ever exist, and it is very rare. The victims do not even know they are poisoned untill they are in the last stage, making it totally impossible for them to survive, " Levi continues and looks at me and then Adrian with a calculated look.

Alessio and He talk a little more, and Adrian walks up to me- to my hunched up figure against the wall.

"Come with me, tesoro. We need to talk," he says in a soft voice, and I hesitantly nod. I follow him out of the room, my mind running thousands places at once.

Roman had come home barging through the door, and I was surprised. Because last time, I had seen him was in his bedroom- on his way to stick his microscopic dick into that bimbo. He looked distraught, out of breath. He said he was out, the entire night. He didn't even look at me when he lied so blatantly. I didn't say anything, just silently stared at him with a hollowed expression.

"Come, sit here," Adrian plops down on the living room couch, patting the empty space beside him. I oblige, sitting beside him.

"Are you okay?" He asks me, holding my small hand in his big one, and I shoot him a disbelieving look.

"You should ask Adrien that, not me!" I half shout, half whisper. I grip my thighs to stop them from shaking so bad with my free hand.

He looks at me with a knowing expression and my mask slightly cracks. Even though I know him for just a month, but I missed my old brother so bad.

I rest my head on his chest as he bear hugs me, burying his face in my untamed blonde hair. Hair that is probably stained with dry blood.

"I missed you," my voice cracks, as I start to empty my heart slowly. He rubs my back comfortingly, rocks me back and forth. And for a second, I forget about all the shits happening in my fucked up little life.

"Missed you too, tesoro. I got so scared when Kaison called me and told me about Adrien, you know. I just- ugh!" He hugs me tighter, and I cling onto him tighter aswell.

"He's fine, you heard Levi. We're fine, I'm glad you guys came back though." I pause, the next words in my mouth begging me to let them tumble out, but a little voice in my head forbids me to- telling me it's too early.
"It feels more like home now that you're back,"

"You make this shithole feel like home, baby K. I haven't felt like this for so long, in a decade. It is like a puzzle got it's missing piece back," he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair.

My phone rings, putting a halt in our little bonding session. Adrian backs away, as he fixates his gaze on the wall behind me, but I can sense that he is interested in the person calling me right now.

My heart literally leaps out of my chest when I see Santiago's caller ID flash on the screen, but I don't let it show on my face. I put on a fake irritating face and cut it.

"Just Mel being Mel, I can't talk to her right now," I grunt out, throwing a small smile towards Adrian. He looks slightly relaxed at the mention of Mel's name, as he gets up. Pressing a warm brotherly kiss on my forehead, leaving me alone in the room.

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