It's Not California

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── It's Not California !

NIGHT TIME HAD fallen over the small town of Hawkins as the older mayfield sister sat at the vanity of her desk with Tina Turner blasting through her room, Harley had decided that she wasn't going to dress up and that she'd feel more comfortable wearing her own clothes.

Pulling the mesh top over her head she glanced to the digital clock that read 7:15 meaning that if she wanted a ride there she had just under fifteen minutes to finish getting ready before Billy left her at the house.

"Harley?" Max's voice was just about heard on the other side of the girls door as she zipped the leather skirt up before opening the door to be greeted by her sister dressed as Micheal Myers. "Yes Max?" The girls eyebrows knitted together, she was confused on how the girl wasn't out trick or treating yet.

"Do you think you and Billy could drop me off on your way to the party?" The ginger girl questioned.

Harley thought for a minute, she didn't really see the trouble of dropping Max off considering it was on the way to the party but she knew Billy would cause some fuss over it.

"Yeah of course! I'll let Billy know" The older sister smiled before turning and applying some grey eyeshadow over her eyelids.

"Harley! Time to go!" Billy's voice echoed through the small house. "Coming!" Harley grabbed a few essentials that she would need before linking arms with Max as they made their way to where Billy was sat in his car.

"Why is Max here? Don't tell me you're bringing her to the party" Billy stifled a laugh as Max stiffened slightly which resulted in Harley dragging Max forward.

"No- we're dropping her off on the way there dipshit" Harley said opening the door for max to get in the back before jumping in the passengers seat.

Billy scoffed before pulling out the driveway and turning the radio up.

After the older teenagers dropped Max off, Billy made his way to the party with music blasting out of the car. "Jesus christ! How do you even have your license while you drive like this?" Harley questioned after being flung to the left from the harsh turn Billy had just made.

"Because I have to drive us to school- do you want to be catching the bus?" Billy raised an eyebrow turning to look at the girl as they pulled up the house that the party was being held at.

Harley rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her.

"You better not do anything embarrassing here otherwise I'm leaving you here" Billy warned the girl as they walked up the driveway together. "Relax! You should worry about you embarrassing yourself not me" Harley replied opening the door to the house getting a whiff of the different types of alcohol and marijuana before separating herself from Billy and heading straight to the kitchen.

Harley glanced over at the different types of alcohol sprawled all over the kitchen island and decided to grab an empty solo cup before dunking it into the punch bowl in the middle of the island.

Her face scrunched up as the sensation of whatever was mixed into the drink hit the back of her throat.

"What is in this?" She questioned to nobody in particular. "I believe that's pure fuel Harley" Matthew smirked walking into the kitchen with Nancy not far behind him.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now