Mop Bucket Incident

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── Mop Bucket Incident !

WHEN THE SUMMER rolled around in Hawkins it shocked Harley on how hot it actually was, while it wasn't as hot as it was in California it was pretty close to it.

Harley's outfits now consisted of shorts, dresses, tanktops and constant ponytails were all Harley could really wear because of the weather. Her skin had gotten slightly darker from what it was when she first moved to Hawkins during the winter and she loved how it bought out how light her eyes really were.

She was now driving to the mall blasting her and Steve's shared mixtape that they had created together, she wasn't working today but she just wanted to hang out with Steve and her new friend. She had slowly arrived at the mall; Her mission? To annoy Steve as much as she could!

   It was one thing she had grown to love doing, especially considering she had a job with the boy, every little she did. Harley did it on purpose to irritate the taller boy, the brunette girl would consider Steve one of her best friends.

"You know that means you suck, right?" The familiar voice of Robin was heard as Harley stepped into Scoops Ahoy.

"Yeah, yeah. I can read too." Steve sighed.

Harley laughed. "I'm not so sure about that I mean who got a C in English?" She teased slightly, announcing her arrival. "Harls! Oh thank god! Please take him out of my hands, i can't deal with him complaining about how much he misses you and how badly he needs a break" Robin complained as Harley's brows lifted in amusement, turning to look at Steve who refused to make eye contact with her.

"I didn't say I missed her," Steve immediately began to defend himself as Harley made her way around the counter. "Yeah sure Harrington" Harley smirked, glancing at the little board Robin was holding up.

"I am so thankful to have someone other than Steve's children to keep me company while annoying him" Robin smiled as Harley leaned over the break room and gave her a high five.

"So...Why does Steve suck today?" Harley asked, pointing to the group. The two girls had created the idea to make a tally chart whenever Steve would do something embarrassing, they thought it was the funniest thing to do while they were in the break room.

Robin hummed. "To see how many people would give him tips for his dumb jokes" Robin explained to her as Harley smirked noticing that the 'you suck!' had all of the tally points and there wasn't a single 'you win!"

"In which he lost" Steve gently grabbed Harley's hand. "It's my break come on!" Steve complained dragging her out from behind the counter. 

"What? Where are we going exactly? I wanted to stay with Robin" She asked as Steve began to walk through the mall, hand still holding onto Harley's; Very clearly looking for a certain place. "I'm on break, I want to go get foodl" Steve smiled.

   "Where is Matthew? Isn't he supposed to be working?" Harley questioned as she glanced into the Pizza Plaza, noticing that the blonde boy wasn't situated at the counter.

                    "He's on break, we're going to meet him," Steve stopped in front of Burger King, "Harrington! Mayfield!" Matthew's voice rang through the shop as the two walked through the doors together.

"Hey Matthew!" Harley smiled, sliding down in the seat opposite him, "Why you in? Thought it was your day off?" Matthew's eyebrow quirked up.

                                                         "Was bored, wanted to annoy Steve" She admitted. Matthew nodded, "I'm sure he missed you." Steve glared between the two. Everybody loved when Harley and Matthew got together but they personally loved annoying everybody around them.

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