They're Commies

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── They're Commies !

THE FIVE OF them stood inside of the secret room, boxes surrounding them. Steve used a knife to cut open one of the boxes, opening it to reveal a weird contraption inside.

"Well that's definitely not what we thought it was,"  Harley glanced over Steve's shoulder. "Hey, uh maybe you guys should stand back" Erica, Harley and Robin immediately took five steps back.

"No," Dustin and Matthew protested as Steve turned to give them an annoyed look. "No way! You always join in whenever I do dumb shit, so I'm staying right here" Matthew said from the side of Dustin.

Steve sighed knowing his best friend was not going to back down, Steve reached forward and put his hand on Dustin's chest, attempting to push him back. "Just stand back I don't want this to hurt any of you."

"If you die I die!" Dustin yelled stepping forward.

There was a thick awkward silence, before Steve quirked an eyebrow and muttered a quick "Okay," His hand reached the handle on the top of it, and he turned the bar. They all watched as he pulled out a long tube filled with green liquid. Steve shared a look with the others, his eyes landing on Harley, who stared at the tube with curiosity.

"Do not tell me that is slime," Harley reached forward to grab it but Steve lifted it into the air.

"You're insane!" He flicked her forehead, a habit he had gotten from her and Matthew.

Suddenly, the ground shook from beneath them and they all shared a horrified look. "Was that just me or did the room shake?" Robin asked glancing at Matthew who lifted his arms into the air. "Roller coaster!" He yelled as Dustin glanced at him and then Harley "Is he high?" Dustin yelled.

"A little." Harley shrugged.

"Boobytraps," Erica whispered. A loud mechanical sound came from behind the walls, and Robin took lead. "You know what? Let's just grab that and go!" Robin instructed.

Dustin ran to the control panel as Harley attempted to grab hold of her friend who was currently running laps around the secret room. "Which button do I press Erica!" Dustin snapped.

"Just open the door, nerd!" The younger girl sassed back. "Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?" Dustin called over the commotion.

"Just press 'open door', are you fucking stupid!" Erica spat.

"I am pressing 'open door'!" Dustin yelled. "Open the door!" Robin ordered Dustin, who was now pressing the buttons again. Chaos exploded throughout the group after they realised they couldn't open the door.

Their arguing was cut short from a loud bang from outside, sounding a lot like a heavy door shutting.

Immediately Steve and Harley's eyes went to the corner of the room, where there was an opening that revealed lights as the room began to drop.

"This isn't the type of roller coaster I was on about prick stains!"Matthew yelled grabbing onto Steve as Harley grabbed ahold of the shelves, while the elevator began to pick up speed.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now