Stay Safe

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── Stay Safe !

      ELEVEN'S CRIES OF pain echoed throughout the mall as Jonathan and Harley rushed around to grab supplies to help her.

                                "Keep her talking! She can't fall asleep!" Harley ordered rushing over a countertop grabbing a knife before shoving it over a stove, sanitising it. Listening as Robin went on about how a girl on her football team had six inches of her bone snap out.

              "You've got this okay!" Harley shouted running over with Jonathan, passing him the knife before going to El's side and grabbing the girl's hand "You might want to bite down on this" She shoved a wooden spoon it to El's mouth.

                                             "Jesus christ" Dustin mumbled looking at Steve with a what the fuck kind of look. "Calm down! You're not the one who's about to do surgery on her leg! Or have your hand snapped in half trying to calm her down!" Harley turned to face the boy, slightly glaring.

                      "I don't wanna see it!" Dustin complained. Matthew scoffed, "Then look away dumbass! Nobody is forcing you to look!"

Of course nobody was purposely snapping at each other, they were all so panicked on what could happen to Eleven if they didn't get this thing out of her.

          Jonathan raised the knife to her leg and everyone looked at each other in shock. "Do it," Mike instructed, his arms wrapped around El's heads── making sure she didn't fall asleep.

                                 Harley began to ramble on about her job to try and keep the girl somewhat distracted from what was happening on her leg. "No!" Eleven screamed, spitting the spoon out of her mouth "Stop it! Stop."

                       "Stop it!" Nancy commanded her boyfriend and Jonathan took his hands out of Eleven's leg.

                                                  "I can do it," Eleven mumbled, glancing at Harley who nodded softly. They watched as Eleven slowly raised her arm to her leg, her eyes narrowing as she focused on her leg.

She screamed in pain, the sound resulting in glass shattering behind them. Harley immediately ducked and covered Max from the glass hitting her. Harley watched on in horror as Eleven pulled out the Demogorgen, dangling it in the air, she flung it across the room as it began to crawl away. Harley's eyes were glued onto the Demogorgen.

                       She watched as the creature crawled away and a giant boot stomped on it, Harley glanced up to see Hopper, Joyce and an unfamiliar man staring at the kids.

      "Oh thank god you're okay!" Harley smiled running into Hopper's arms, who happily hugged the girl back.

                                         "The Mind Flayer," Mike repeated "Built this monster in Hawkins to try stop El, to try to kill her and to pave it's way into our world," Mike explained, Harley knew exactly why this was all happening again.

            "And it almost did," Nancy replied "That was only a tiny piece of it." Harley looked at Nancy, terrified. If that was only a tiny piece of the Mind Flayer, she really didn't want to stick around and find out it's actual size.

"How big is this thing?" Hopper questioned. "It's big," Jonathan told him, "Around thirty feet." The brunette girl's face dropped. When she said this thing was big she didn't expect thirty feet at all!

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now