Do You Think It's True Sight

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── Do You Think It's True !

"DUSTIN! WHERE ARE you?" A woman's voice shouted from the car park, Harley turned her head in the direction to see Joyce looking around.

"We're over here!" Lucas shouted waving his hands in the air, Joyce began rushing over to the group of teenagers who surrounded her son.

Harley bit her nails nervously, switching weight on her feet ever so often while she stared at Joyce trying to awake Will from whatever trance he seemed to be stuck in.

Max gripped onto Harley's jacket when Will began to shake violently back and forth. "Will! Sweetie wake up! It's mom! Wake up! Can you hear me? Sweetie, please!" Joyce begged.

"He's having another episode!" Mike shouted over the group that had began panicking. "Wake up! It's me" Joyce's voice cracked at the end of her sentence her eyes scanning over her son's face for a sign, making Harley swallow the lump she had in her throat.

Harley wanted nothing more than to pull everyone in a hug but she knew she couldn't because she hardly knew any of them.

Will gasped with his eyes flinging open, a feeling of relief settled throughout the group as the boys all shared a worried look with one another.

"Is he okay? What was that?" Harley questioned taking a step backwards as Joyce began to walk Will to their car.

"He's fine" Mike snapped as the group stared over at the mother and son stood a few feet away from them.

Max let out a sigh, glancing up at Harley "Well, that definitely freaked me out" She muttered, breaking the silence that fell between everyone.

"Did that not freak you out?" Max asked as the boys blinked at her blindly. Harley awkwardly coughed "It freaked me out" The older girl admitted.

The group stared at Will who was situated in the back of his mothers car, "Two episodes in one day, it's getting worse" Lucas mused.

Harley thought for a minute, she remembered how everybody was talking about how he came back to life, while she didn't want to push any boundaries with the group she really wanted to find out what was going on here.

"Is this about what happened last year?".

"How do you know about that?" Mike whipped his body in the direction where Harley was stood. "I heard somebody talking about it" She explained, holding her hands up in a defensive matter.

"Yes," Lucas paused "It does". Mike's face scrunched up in anger as he glared at his friend "Lucas! You can't tell them!".

Harley sighed, "I'm sorry but I just want to know what's wrong with him".

"I'm sure he's going to be okay" Dustin explained, Lucas turned to face Mike "Do you think it's True Sight?" He questioned.

"What's True Sight?" Max asked nervously looking between her sister and the group of boys.

"It's nothing!" Dustin replied his voice becoming higher than usual. Harley scoffed slightly, "You guys are horrible liars!" Grabbing Max's hand.

She wasn't about to have her sister be very obviously left out in a group the poor girl claimed were her friends.

Harley knew exactly what it was like to be left out, it was horrible. She had grown up with being left out because she was unable to do what kids her age were doing as she was stuck trying to take care of her parents.

"You really shouldn't be friends with people who leave you out with any chance they can grab" Harley spoke up breaking the silence that fell between the two of them.

                                                  "They might open up soon, we just have to be patient" Max shrugged.

                         Harley sucked a breath in turning to her sister, "How about we go get food and then go to the arcade for a bit?" The pink haired girl smirked watching as Max's face lightened up.

"That would be great" She smiled brightly, Harley grabbed her hand and began to swing it back and forth as the two girls made their way in the direction of the arcade.

"I wonder what dads doing" Harley pondered as the two slid into a booth together, "Do you think he misses us?" Max asked her sister, a glint of sadness in her eyes.

Harley breathed out, staring at the table she shrugged her shoulders "You saw how broken he was to leave us" She admitted.

       Their father broken down as the girls got in the car, Harley wanted nothing more than to jump out the car and into his arms. They could still call Dave it just wasn't the same, they both craved a tight hug── for him to tell that that nothing in this world could possibly hurt him when he was around.

                                  "I just wish we could visit him once in a while, I really miss California" Max admitted as her eyes scanned through the food menu the waiter had just placed on their table.

                   "What are you going to order then?" Harley changed the subject as she peeked at her sister over the menus.

"Waffles and a chocolate milkshake" Max grinned placing the menu flat on the table. "What about you?"

"Probably pancakes and an oreo milkshake" Harley placed down the menu and glanced around the Diner. 

       "So," Max tapped her fingers on the table "Made any friends yet?" She questioned, jumping slightly when the voice of a rather happy woman came up to their table.

                                        "What would you girls like to order?" She asked smiling brightly at the two of them, "Could I get the pancakes with syrup as well as an oreo milkshake?" Harley smiled passing the waitress the menu.

                      Max passed the woman the menu "And I'll have the waffles with the chocolate milkshake."

                                                        The woman nodded before walking away , "Yes I've made friends── Twins actually!" Harley replied to the question Max had asked her before the waitress came over. "Twins?" Max's voice was laced with confusion as she looked over Harley's features for any signs that she was lying.

"Yeah! They're actually twins, Nancy and Matthew I was so confused when I looked up" Harley laughed running a hand through her hair.

           She was glad they could get away from the chaos that seemed to be happening with Max's friends, yet there was something in the back of her head telling her that she needed to protect those kids.

                                         Just like she needed to protect Max── Something, was giving her a motherly instinct over the boys and she wanted to figure out what.

"You're friends seem nice, I mean apart from the fact they won't tell you what their little group secret is" Harley smiled.

Max grinned brightly, "Yeah I just hope they let me in on the secret soon."

"I would of never thought this would be our lives, I remember having to chase you around when you were first born. Courtesy of Faye and dad not really being there, you'd always find your way to this bucket of paint they left on the floor" Harley laughed.

"I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done for me" Max smiled.

The waitress placed the girls orders on the diners tables. "Thank you" The sisters spoke, smiling up at the woman.

𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐎𝐔𝐒 , s harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now